I’m tired of all the “Should I text first or wait for them to text first” drama… chances are they are thinking the same thing so you might as well go ahead and make the first move lol

  1. I think it’s more of the possibility of getting a negative response or being ignored. And nobody appreciates that.

  2. Not always but i have the policy, 1 last text and guage the effort. If you get a flat/delayed response. Theyre probably not into you.

  3. You miss 100% of the shots you do not take.
    Either they are into you or they are not.

  4. Asking if you should before every little step you take is silly. What did did people do before Reddit? Just do it already. Not to decide is to decide.

  5. If men like a woman. They’ll text/call period. Let them make the move. Don’t chase a man. Men are simple. They are interested in you they call, they’re not interested they don’t. Simple.

  6. this!!!!! dating, especially this day in age with technology and social media, has become SO COMPLICATED. I understand overthinking because that’s natural but I find so much more fulfillment and happiness doing what I want when I want and not worrying about what’s “right”

    TikTok has ruined my idea of dating, convinced me that the best thing to do is play these mind games and do XYZ to make them want you or wait X amount of time to text…so many rules! Especially as a female where half of what I’ve seen encourages ladies to just sit back and wait for the man to come chase you.

    I’ve started becoming unapologetically myself with the guy I’m dating at the moment. If I have something I want to tell him, I’ll text him. If I wanna see him, I’ll ask. If I wanna have a convo, I’ll facetime. If I wanna do something kind, I do it. I would much rather know that I put the effort in and if it’s negatively received (which in my case has NEVER been)…then they aren’t for me. I know it’s different when you first start dating someone and you can’t be as aggressive as I’ve just made myself sound but if you wanna talk to them, say hi, or tell them something…. REACH OUT!! What’s the worst that can happen?? They don’t answer? Their loss. You’ll find someone whose face lights up when they see your name on their phone I guarantee

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