My friend’s father is an A-list celebrity. I’ve been at his dad’s parties before and I am always surrounded by people who could probably really REALLY help me with my career.

I’m a student and a graphic designer. When I talk to these famous and successful people I say “oh I’m just a student” when they ask who I am.

I just talk to them how I would talk to anybody else.

My boyfriend told me I need to start “selling myself” because these are all great connections. He said I should embellish and make myself *seem* successful too so that these people might want me to do work for them.

How do I sell myself? Is it wrong to embellish? I don’t want to feel like I’m using my friend.

  1. I don’t know. In one way I think probably these people get hit up all the time. I think it is nice that you are natural with them. You don’t have to say you are “just a student” though. You can say you are studying graphic design and you are I really interested in whatever you are interested in, and you are very excited to be doing an internship or a project or to have entered a contest or whatever you have done. Then, maybe if they are interested they will ask more. Hopefully, they will remember you. If you really know they hire people in your field you could always ask if they take interns or if they have any advice or if you could take them to lunch to discuss working in the field. Otherwise, or maybe, when you are nearing the end of your studies if you know them pretty well you could mention that you are available if they ever know someone.

    I guess I wouldn’t push it too hard, but definitely wouldn’t be “just” anything. You are “aspiring” to be an animator or whatever you want to do.
    I don’t use LinkedIn because I don’t have a job where I need it, but if you can connect with them through there that might when you are looking for jobs or internships that might be good.

    In some fields people give out cards too, but I don’t know much about what A list celebrities like or graphic arts. I don’t think you need to embellish personally, although I think some people do that now. If you are doing well in school you are a successful student. I guess I would say “soft sell”. Be sincere, but try to be confident about your talent, if that makes sense.
    Maybe if there is a graphic arts sub ask there about what people in your field would do in that situation. My knowledge of your particular career is limited. Good Luck!!!

  2. I think just be a normal person, but don’t downplay yourself (: be confident and assured in who you are, put yourself out there and if someone bites they do..if not, ok!

  3. People love passion! Be yourself but be passionate about your life – if you aren’t, why should anyone else be passionate about involving themselves with you?

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