Hi, I’ve (21F) been dating with a guy I met at college (22M). We’re study buddies and also were in a FWB relationship. Things are going well, but we sometimes fight over our mismatch between our conversations style. He likes to reply fast (also getting texted back as soon as possible) whereas I don’t find any problem in taking their time to text me back. I should mention he’s impatient and stubborn. I usually take my time to answer back, but it is not that I text him back one hour later, it’s usually 30min later at most and is when I’m busy at work. I’ve told him “hey sorry I’m busy rn” but he says that’s not an excuse since he’s also busy and even so he text me back as soon as possible. I’m a bad texter, but since he addressed this is bothering him I try to keep my phone with me all the time. There’s times I don’t because I leave my phone in another room. When he calls me and I miss his calls he gets furious and won’t answer my calls, that he’s always chasing me. He says I’m ignoring him and I’m not interested in him. He doesn’t recognize the things I did just to keep him content most of the time, he says all this problem is only my fault.

Yesterday we had a fight over the stupidest thing. He was heading to work, and since he works at a type of farm I knew he wasn’t going to be able to answer my messages, so I said to him let me know once you go back, I love u. He sent me heart emojis that I didn’t answer back and he got furious. Now even though we addressed the issue and I said sorry he’s acting a bit cold. I’m tired.

1 comment
  1. Nobody is at fault. Sometimes people just don’t text back. Sounds like he is insecure and thinks you’re cheating. (As a young 20 something male myself years ago, trust me he is thinking that). You two probably won’t last tbh. I’d tell him that he can’t force you to change your texting habits and move on to someone more confident in themselves.

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