I don’t know why but I just tried having sex with my gf and I couldn’t get hard at all. This happened yesterday too so I don’t know what the problem is. We always had sex in the past and I was able to get hard just fine. anyone know what the deal is? I used to masturbate but I stopped after we started dating

1 comment
  1. Dicks aren’t magic and on demand, except for the few who have that superpower. Men aren’t always on sex objects, even when mentally excited for sex. Stress, nerves, anxiety, mental state, body chemistry, level of desire, distractions, the environment (etc) can all have an impact.

    Internalizing it and worrying about it before it’s become a long term challenge is premature and unhelpful. Give your dick a bit of break, don’t think about it, focus on getting your partner off, and it will mostly likely come right back.

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