I’m turning 30 in a month and am worried that no one will want me….

  1. I didn’t even think about settling down until 32. Have fun. You’re timing is perfect.

  2. Yes lol I’m in my 30’s & men still want to date me lmao. I’ve been on dates & hooked up with guys younger & older than me. Men that are your age will always be interested in dating until they die lol. 50’s, 60’s,70’s people still date & get married come on lady

  3. I dont see a problem with that. I think I have more of a problem being 32 and divorced looking to date. I see myself as a red flag now. I think actually being 30 seems more attractive as you know what you want in life compared to an early 20s woman

  4. If I like the girl, she’s attractive and she suits my life then I don’t care how old she is, she could be 21 or 31 I am ambivalent.

  5. As a single male in my 30s, yes. Yes we still date 30 year olds. Heck, my last crush was even 33!

  6. I mean if you put that energy out there, then you obviously inviting that!

    Ppl will date who they feel compatible with, age has nothing to do with it!
    I’m in my early 30’s and let me tell you I’ve had my fun until I met my person, you’ll be fine just don’t beat yourself up over it! Just enjoy life and don’t ever self doubt.

  7. Stupid question to be honest. People date at all ages, hell even seniors go on dates who are 60+

  8. Look around you. People of all ages get into relationships and women who are 30+ are no exception.

  9. Honestly, your search area will widen to include more men both older and younger in your 30s. Take it in stride.

  10. Oh my god yes. That’s not even a question and I don’t even need to hesitate. I see women all the time in their 30’s that I either develop significant crushes on or just find incredibly hot and want to sleep with. Always been like that even when I was a teenager. You got nothing to worry about at all.

  11. As an almost 70 year old I’d say hell yeah! The enthusiasm does not seem reciprocal however.🥲

  12. I just turned 29 and I’ve dated women 4-5 years older than me in the past few years. You’ll find someone!

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