What’s the best (or worst) reaction someone had to you getting undressed?

  1. I’ve gotten an “Oh my god” before (I think it was mainly for my thigh tattoos) which was pretty great

  2. The most memorable to me was when this guy was taking off my shorts/underwear and he did this almost inaudible gasp and bit his lip and told me how sexy I was.

    It was nothing major I guess but it stuck with me.

  3. Recently and 28 yo bombshell started to hyperventilating when i took my shirt off when I finally took my shorts then underwear off she squeezed sorta clapped then said finally I’ll get to feel it

  4. Kinky fun is great until you have to explain to your OBGYN why you have bruises on your ass 😂

  5. I’ve gotten some good reactions, but the absolute worst was from my darling husband. I undressed, he looked me up and down and said, “oh no! Did the dog jump up and scratch you?!” as he pointed at the stretch marks on my hip.

  6. I’ve had a few people scream when I took my clothes off.

    For context: I’m a nude/figure model. Most models will undress in a designated “changing area” then come onto set, but I usually just strip where I’m standing because everyone is going to see me naked anyway. I’ve stripped then came up behind the photographer when they weren’t paying attention and a few people have screamed when I surprised them.

    A notable example was a time when I was shooting with a black photographer in an abandoned house. When I took off my clothes, he was busy with his camera and when he saw me, I made him jump and he shouted “fuck bitch I thought you were a ghost!”

  7. In the beginning of my relationship with my boyfriend, I was over by my closet undressing from whatever clothes I was wearing to more comfy clothes to watch a movie. I look back across the room and I just see him watching me biting his lip. I said “why are you looking at me like that?” And he said (in that shy tone) “ I don’t know. You look really sexy.” And then I don’t remember what happened after that, but it was probably sex 😂

  8. Most recent/embarrassing- Like 6 weeks ago, I was minding my own business in stand still traffic when someone totaled my car going 90.

    I was wearing a cami (no bra) at the time

    I was ok but was told to go to the ER to get checked out for whiplash. Now, I work at the hospital, so was already embarrassed to be a patient.

    They needed to check my spine/ribs/abdomen because of the speed I was hit at.

    Not one, but two, providers that I’m acquainted with or work with had to see me topless that day.

    Needless to say, that was awkward for me. But another day for them. The one walked up to me at work with full Buddy the Elf energy when I was back to work, unfazed 😂

  9. The first time I took off my clothes in front of my bf(the first time we were intimate sexually) he looked at me and said woah. I didn’t expect it but he also knew I had mild insecurity on my breasts (even though they aren’t THAT small) and he was like “idk what you mean, [they’re] amazing.

    It feels good to get that response lol

  10. “Wow. That’s… something.”

    In his defense, he was gay and having sex with me was an experiment.

  11. Every night my bf of almost 3 years makes sure he is in bed before me so he can just stare with a smirk while I dress down and go to be with him. It still gets me haha

  12. “Waow, you are really tanned, you’re almost orange – in a good way”

    This happened 10 years ago after a high school reunion.

  13. So my husband and i have a thing we do. Everytime one of us says I’m gonna go get comfy/extra comfy, the other somehow manages to race up the stairs, jump into bed and fluff the pillows and prepare for a show. Sometimes its nothing more than just jumping on the bed and just watching the other get undressed and into pj’s. I always gave him compliments waiting to find the one that will make him grin and blush, so far i only get the grins and him telling me im full of shit or yeah right. When he does this for me he does make me feel beautiful, after the kids and weight gain he still looks at me like i am a work of art. And the entire encounter cannot end without someone’s ass getting slapped.

  14. In my early, very self-conscious twenties, guy I was hooking up pleaded to have me strip for him. Told me he just wanted to enjoy me. I was deeply nervous but acquiesced.

    He studied my naked body for a few seconds, put his head to one side and said, “You know, you’d probably have a really attractive hourglass figure if you just lost all that weight.”

  15. I once had a guy watch me while I was undressing and say “you have such great curves. I wish you dressed sluttier to show them off.”

  16. Was riding around with this guy I had met from tinder/knew of somewhat, and somehow we got on the subject of piercings. I was like “yeah, the nipples are the worst.” He bit his knuckle and had to pull over to process the fact I had them pierced lol. Same guy different day when we actually were intimate, he just kept saying “oh my god”, was pretty wholesome haha.

  17. At Scout camp the boys looked at us through our cabin window while we changed. They pointed, laughed, gestured, and insulted us. The leaders solution was to put trash bags over our window, you know rather than punish the boys

  18. “your boobs are much bigger than they look in clothes” (I usually wear oversized T’s) lol. Can’t tell if the best or worst.

  19. Had a guy premature ejaculate the second he took down my underwear. He was embarrassed but I took it as a huge compliment. Wasn’t long and he was ready again.

  20. Idk if it’s really that bad.

    But I started dating for the first time in my life ( 24 F) and I got naked in front of a guy for the first time. Like in person. (I have sent pics before) and I didn’t get any reaction at all. He didn’t say anything at all. So I felt mega insecure about it.

    And then afterwards I asked him about it and explained that I was nervous and I was wondering if he was actually attracted to me/ liked the way I looked.

    And idk he wasn’t very enthusiastic. He just went “yeah you look good.” Idk man. Definitely don’t feel like that’s what he really thought. But some people aren’t as expressive as me either. So

  21. I was way too young when this happened but it was my first boyfriend. He was also young and stupid. He didn’t know what he was saying, hence waiting is always better.

    I bought a new underwear set. First set I bought. Before it was usually sports bras and granny panties. It was white with small black polka dots. I was really excited to show him and he just looked at me and said:

    “Oh, I thought you were gonna wear something sexy. Is this it?”

    Pierced like a knife.

  22. I took my joggers (sweatpants) off and she looked at my old boy and said ‘well hello there’ as her eyes widened could tell it was a genuine reaction.

    That was 13 years ago, us men remember shit like that.

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