I haven’t dated or had sex in 6 months, so I downloaded dating apps. A guy from across the country asked if I wanted to chat, and we’ve talked everyday for a month now. He told me that he’s a stripper and asked how I felt about that. I like learning about his work, and he enjoys telling me since many people judge him for it. There was no expectation that we would meet in person since we live very far apart, but I’m starting to really like him. He’s sweet, smart, and smoking hot. Plus I was able to find his porn with a quick google search, and he’s packing.

I want to fly to visit him for a few days, but it feels a little weird and desperate to spend $300 on a plane ticket just to have sex. I get plenty of matches and could easily find a hook up in my city, but I haven’t felt enough attraction and connection with anyone to actually have sex with them. Plus I know that this sex would be worthwhile. I feel out of his league and worry that my appearance will be disappointing. All he has seen of me is a selfie with sunglasses. I would be happy to provide more photos, but he’s never asked. He has a lot more experience with sex than I do, and I know I won’t be as skilled as some of his past partners. This would be a considerable time commitment for both of us, and it’s possible that we do not have as much chemistry in real life as we do online. I have a friend an hour away from him who could pick me up in an emergency, so it’s a similar level of risk to a regular hook up. I only know his stripper name, but I can ask for his real name to do a background check. I would text his address to the friend living nearby.

Does this sound like a safe, smart decision? Is there any other factors that I should consider and discuss before buying the ticket?


Update: Thank you for all your input! It gave me a reality check. I’m going to postpone this idea and take my time getting to know him. I’ll make plans to visit my friend who lives about an hour away from him so that I’m not wasting my time and money if this guy bails. I’ll take precautions like video chatting and getting his real name for a background check.

  1. he’s never seen you without sunglasses? interesting.. im guessing you haven’t even video chatted him to see if he’s catfish or not ? this all just sounds sus . im sure there’s many guys in your area or closer to fuck. spending $300 to hookup sounds ridiculous and what if he doesn’t even show up? just save it.

  2. I’d say you should think about safety first. Then think and make sure he is real person and not some fake fat dude using hot guy’s pictures (could be video call or something). Also make sure you know his name and think if you trust him enough. Then make sure if he’s on the same page as you. Also if you go there then make sure you have backup plan and also make sure to make a mini vacation out of it if your plan fails (meet friends, go sightseeing, museums or whatever it is to do there). 300 sounds like bit much for a hookup BUT it doesn’t sound too much for a little vacation (possibly with some romance).

    Safety first though.

  3. Just remember if you decide to do this it was your decision. You should watch THE TINDER SWINDLER on Netflix.

    Whatever happens. It’s on you. Whatever it may be. You are accountable and responsible.

  4. i wouldn’t recommend that. yea the plane ticket is $300, but what if he is a jerk or creepy. do you have the money for a hotel? what if he doesn’t show up at the airport? now you’re paying a lot for transportation. not to mention feeding yourself. i think you’re easily setting yourself up for a world of hurt. maybe if he was willing to come to you. hell he could even force you into something you don’t wanna do because you’ve isolated yourself from everyone you know.

    if you’re going to go, you need to have a back up plan for your own safety. that means having at least $1000 for all the above mentioned things. please be safe!

  5. I’m not going to tell you if you should do it or not, I want to touch on the porn topic. If he is doing porn and possibly making money off of it, I wouldn’t agree to let him film himself fucking you unless he is going to pay you for it. Of course, if the idea of getting on camera with him turns you on then don’t let something like monetization stop you. Just be aware that if he is a professional, girls make good money getting paid to fuck on film so don’t sell yourself short.

  6. It might take longer but I’d just take the tome to find someone local

  7. Update: Thank you for all your input! It gave me a reality check. I’m going to postpone this idea and take my time getting to know him. I’ll make plans to visit my friend who lives about an hour away from him so that I’m not wasting my time and money if this guy bails. I’ll take precautions like video chatting and getting his real name for a background check.

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