I (21F), am new to dating and looking for ways to meet guys in person, rather than online.

How do you tend to meet girls that you actually feel you get a connection with? And any advice for dating from a male perspective?

  1. Well I ussaly just meet online and then ask for an irl date so then we can actually get to know eachother (speaking of which, date?). Or you can then you can also just go to a bar (old fashioned I know). Other than that there’s hardly any options for us guys.

  2. My girlfriend and I met at a social event for a hobby that we both enjoy. I think that’s a great way to meet because you already know you have at least one thing in common (the hobby or cause or activity that is hosting the event) and so there’s something that you can talk about before you know anything else about each other. I also think there’s less pressure when the initial conversation can be a common interest rather than it being obvious that it’s an attempt to start something romantic.

  3. I’m not sure what’s a good place to meet people in person, but I do have dating advice from a male perspective:

    Clearly communicate. I think alot of people feel like they are good at communicating because they talk alot, but that’s not the case. To truly communicate clearly, you need to be willing to speak to someone in a way that they understand.

    If you have a concern, say it. Don’t let it fester in your mind.

    If you have something nice to say to a guy you’re with, say that, too. The worst thing you can do it let a kind thought die in your mind because you’re sure he “already knows that.”

    Don’t wait for the other person to change. They probably won’t.

  4. Usually I meet future girlfriends through friends or at parties, or in my specific case I go to a lot of shows and art nights, and I do gig work so I meet people through work and don’t have to worry about that whole ‘workplace’ romance crap.

    But it’s gonna be wherever you’re comfortable doing your thing. Whatever kind of stuff you’re into that exists in a social setting, wherever you feel at home and most comfortable talking to people, or the old standards of bars, clubs, & parties. But in general it’ll be different for everyone depending on what kinda person you are.

    I met my current girlfriend at a tattoo parlor, things can happen anywhere you can start a conversation.

  5. If I may ask, what do you do for work? Are you in college? Do you have a job? Big city or suburbs? etc.

    Those are big things that impact how to meet people. Especially people who share similar interests as you do.

    Other than that, what are your hobbies? Maybe a coffee shop, maybe a bookstore, maybe an ice cream shop at the mall etc. Maybe a running club or a tennis club.

    All are going to contain different varieties of people who prioritize different things.

    In contrast to, say, the club, which is going to attract a different crowd. Not necessarily a better or worse crowd if that’s what you’re into, but a different one.

    Another big thing is — I know I definitely don’t speak for everyone here, but if I see someone I find attractive or interesting on a typical day, I do feel various things. (1) I don’t really approach strangers at all, (2) I would assume you are already in a relationship if you are attractive, and (3) even if the aforementioned things weren’t there, I still would be wary of bothering you, I don’t wanna make you feel uncomfortable in case you aren’t interested.

    So, because those are not really worries that apply the other way around (we don’t really have as much of a safety concern) if you see someone you are interested, I think it makes things way easier if you at least break the ice. From there if you prefer him to take the lead that’s fine, but at least if you’re the one that initially walks up and initiates a conversation, that kind of indicates to him that you are available and interested.

  6. the ones I actually connect with? those are the ones my friends are dating, because they have things in common with a group of men and spend a lot of time in male dominated activities they don’t stay single very long.

    when I want to date someone I go on tinder

  7. Some of the best experiences I’ve had is when I was set up with someone via a mutual friend. Sometimes it doesn’t work but I’ve had a handful of occasions where it went somewhere

  8. Go out and do things you love. I mean it. Met my wife at a karaoke bar. We still go out and sing together sometimes.

  9. Women will find ways to enter the social circle of men they like.

    It’s extremely obvious to me when woman want me.

    But that’s still only like 10% of the women I meet irl. 90% of the time I just use tinder.

  10. There is no one answer. You will always end up doing something somebody doesn’t like.

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