I can hold good eye contact when I’m listening to the other person talk, but have difficulty with eye contact when I’m the one doing the talking.

Any body have any insight on this?

What does this mean? What doesn’t it mean? Anybody have any similar experience or advice they can give?

  1. I have a similar problem, but mine is that either way eye contact is difficult, and sometimes it’s difficult to also just look at someone or in their direction (sometimes it’s an awkward thing, sometimes it’s a focus thing) even when I’m very much paying attention. I know for me it’s because I’m on the Autism spectrum and have bad social anxiety.

    There’s a few things I do to make it look like I’m making eye contact when I’m not. Sometimes I just look past someone, or look at other parts of their face instead, like their forehead (I’m taller than most of the people I talk to, so maybe it’s easier for them not to notice). No one seems to have caught me faking eye contact; occasionally I’ll open up to people about it, and the replies have always been along the lines of “I never knew.” This probably won’t work forever, and I’ve been trying to not do this as much. But in the meantime, to give a “crutch” so to speak until you can push enough past the awkwardness of eye contact, looking like you’re making eye contact is something people apparently don’t generally notice

  2. I got a similar issue. if I’m looking you in the eyes then I have absolutely 0 idea what you’re talking about. It’s either I focus on what you’re saying and understand it, or maintain eye contact to seem “normal”, there’s no in between. I can’t do both at the same time with most people.

    Don’t know what it is tho. something uncomfortable about eye contact that just kills focus. I think it might be a social/anxiety issue at the very least

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