My boyfriend (M22) and I (F21) haven’t had sex in about a month but last night he complained about haven’t blue balls. I offered him sex a lot of time but every time he says he’s not in the mood.

  1. Why don’t you ask him why he says he’s not in the mood for having sex if he wants to have it?

  2. It’s obvious he’s not into you anymore. It’s not your fault so don’t take it personally. He has issues that he needs to work out. Maybe he wants to experiment sexually with another sex. Maybe you could do it with him? Light approach the subject. If he suggests another girl, run.

  3. This is very strange to me….I have no answer other than maybe he yanks and watches to much porn 🤷🏻‍♂️

  4. Sorry to be a pessimist but it sounds like he’s lost feelings for you or is maybe depressed? When I was on anti depressants I lost any sense of sex drive so if he’s not even masturbating then it might be depression induced ED.

  5. Ask him. He could be tired or depressed or sometimes people just have a low libido. Maybe he thinks you cheated, maybe he did and caught something and doesn’t want to give it to you. We can’t answer that. Ask him.

  6. Honestly just not being in the mood.

    Women have this weird idea that men are on 24/7 and just require permission to get horny.

    It’s why most women in my opinion honestly suck at seduction. Even the really sexually charged women I’ve known in my life typically initiate by saying “you wanna have sex?”

  7. One time I had a weird lump at the base of my dick and I wasn’t sure if it was like an STD or some shit and I didn’t want her to see it or come in contact with it til I figured out what was going on.

    Turns out it was nothing, which is why I didn’t want her to get worried and stressed about it until I knew if there was reason for alarm.

  8. Well if he turned you down, then it makes no sense to complain about blue-balls. He’s doing it to himself! Tell him to rub one out for his blue balls if he won’t do it with you.

    Now for me—to answer your title question—I don’t think it’s healthy to have sex in such a temporary relationship, which is why I wouldn’t. But of course I’d tell her that.

  9. My only reason is if I’m too tired. Is he on any meds? Is he depressed? High anxiety/stress? He’s pretty young too have no libido.

  10. Have you changed recently?

    For me there would have to be a catalyst or the sex isn’t that good.

  11. Death, if one of us was dead, that’s the only long term reason.

    He’s not telling you much, you need to dig deeper and find out what’s going on.

  12. Any man who uses blue balls as anything other than the punchline of a joke is either uneducated or trying to manipulate you.

    Blue balls are not real. If it were you can just jack off.

    After reading some other replys: if he has started a new medication they might affect his libido. I know low libido is an early sign of depression for me as well.

  13. Some dudes just got a LL, maybe have his hormones tested? If he’s fatigued, sore, low sex drive. All symptoms of low testosterone.

  14. If she gained weight and/or stopped grooming herself and/or got septum piercings and/or got an agressively short haircut or anything else that would destroy my attraction to her.

    Also sometimes we’re just tired and cant be bothered fucking.

    Could also have low testosterone or other hormonal issues or he’s a vegetarian vegan. Get those checked. If he’s anywhere below 600 I’d suggest Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, Zinc, Increasing saturated fat in the diet and getting in the gym etc.

  15. Any issues sleeping, catching his breath, is he more nervous, anxious, panic attack or any such deviation from his standard behavior?

    Have you considered depression?

    Also, in what way do you approach the offer- straight to the point may not be the best option. Had such cases where I refused my GF’s offer as I was feeling as if a breeding cattle!

  16. I quit wa ting to have sex with my ex cause she just wanted to lay there and take it. She didnt want to ride and didnt want to gove oral but wanted me to do it all the time. I liked giving her oral but it irritated me that she didnt reciprocate she was selfish in many ways so I quit all together

  17. Only he can answer that truthfully.

    We can guess but do not have all the facts.

  18. Honey, for him to have blue balls ans still not wanting it, even when you OFFER him, something really not right, and it’s not answered here.

  19. 22 years old and he doesn’t want to have sex? And it’s been over one month?

    Either he’s gay, has naturally low testosterone, or he doesn’t find you to be attractive.

  20. It’s probably you. There must be something repulsive about you that makes him not want you.

  21. * Some drastic change in appearance that made her unattractive to me

    * her being dead…..maybe

  22. How is your relationship out of the bedroom? For me and I think a lot of guys, the relationship has to be in a good place to be in the mood. I don’t wanna be having sex with someone who I’ve had an argument with…the concept of make up sex baffles me because of that very reason…

    It’s more holistic than a guy just wanting to fuck all the time which isn’t the case. Guys have emotions and feelings

  23. Having to use condoms. I’ve been doing it so long without condoms that if they are required (maybe she’s between birth control or on antibiotics), I will often turn it down.

  24. Being sick, tired, or injured past a certain threshold. No time even for a quickie.

    But I’m fairly high libido. Low libido dudes can just not be in the mood and be impossible to seduce to get into the mood.

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