I have a bucket list of doing things out in public with only myself as company, things that I would usually feel like I needed someone to be there with me. Going to the movies is actually the second thing I’m checking off this list. The first I did was actually go to a major concert alone, I guess I started off strong lol. Well yesterday I took the easiest one off the list. All you have to do is sit down and watch a movie. On my way there I was complemented TWICE! A guy said cool pants and the girl getting my popcorn completed my band tee (the smashing pumpkins) people were so nice. I was so nervous I thought people would judge me for going to the theater alone. I thought they would think I got stood up. But like I said all I had to do was sit down and watch a movie. People are focused on a movie not me.

Anyways I’m saying this as a celebration for doing something that intimidated me so much. I encourage everyone to be comfortable hanging out with yourselves.

Incase anyone wanted the list it’s on another post I made on here [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/w4phgv/hang_out_with_yourself/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

  1. I go to the cinema alone all the time. I dont have to share my popcorn, I can enjoy what I’m watching without having to over-analyze the film afterwards.

  2. I love going to restaurants alone. Haven’t tried the movies yet. Sounds awesome! Congratulations 🥳

  3. This reminded me of the time I had went to LA/OC area to tag along and at the time I didn’t have friends available to just call and hang out for a few hours. So you know what I did? Looked up the nearest movie theater and I’ve yet to watch the newest Batman movie at the time and ended up enjoying the hell out of the moment. It was in a big mall so I got a chance to check it out and try some food and just felt like I hit it on the dot. Movie theater was super fancy and nice and all because I simply had no one to hang out with I ended up enjoying myself an finding a cool spot next time I’m in town.

    P.s mall was called The Source OC

  4. That’s exactly what I’m planning to do in the near future. I never had many friends but since moving to a new city and getting older with people getting married and starting a family, It got worse. There are many things I would like to do but have no one to accompany me. I want to go on vacation and do some sightseeing, go to the theater, tread myself to dinner in a nice restaurant etc. but I’m too afraid what people will think. That they will pity me for having no friends. The only thing I managed up till now was visiting a nearby city by myself and spending the day there at the park and eating ice cream.

  5. I love going to the movies alone! Like I don’t have to talk to anyone, (some people like to talk during the movie, a phrase here, an explanation there… it drives me crazy). I can focus on the movie when I’m by myself, cry if the scene calls for it or even if it doesn’t, laugh, and just relax and not be overly aware of myself. It’s nice. I’m glad you got to experience that. Well done on checking something off your list!

  6. That’s awesome! Do you mind sharing your bucket list of things you want to do alone? If you don’t want to I understand 🙂 I have been going shopping/getting food alone for so long I don’t think twice about how it could be perceived as “weird” anymore. But then I get scared going to a concert alone and have chickened out before so that doesn’t even make sense lol.

  7. People are making a fuss about going to movies alone. To me its sometimes even better to go alone because nobodys bothering you when watching a movie.

  8. I’ve been to 100+ concerts. I’m 25. Have gone alone to every single one. It’s great when I can concentrate on the music without worrying about who is beside me.

  9. When I had a Cineworld card I went to cinema all the time on my own as my wife and my ex girlfriend didn’t go

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