Is anyone tempted to get the bus more often or cut down on meat for example?

  1. I don’t think it will change how I do things. I try my best to be environmentally conscious but I don’t believe the general public can have a real impact on climate change. It’s big corporations that need to change it shouldn’t be on us.

    Even celebrities saying we all need to do our bit when they fly private jets everywhere and the normal person probably has one holiday a year.

  2. I don’t see how much more impact I could have in my day to day, besides reducing even more/stopping eating meat altogether.

    I don’t drive, I recycle and re-use what I can, thrift and shop second hand. I try to buy local. I’m eating less meat. I fly once a year on average to visit family abroad.

    I will do what I reasonably can but we all know it’s huge corporations responsible for a vast amount of our emissions. Think one article said it’s even down to just 100 or so companies doing major damage.

  3. There’s not much else I can do. I recycle, cut down on meat and don’t drive. It’s everyone else

  4. Nope. It won’t make a difference. Even if the entire population of the UK stopped eating meat and driving cars (for example), it still wouldn’t make an impact. If the IPCC is correct, and we’re as fucked as they say we are, then the only way of controlling anything is by investing in things such as large scale carbon removal and other technologies.

    Put it this way: one of the most popular educators around Climate and the planet, David Attenborough, only turned vegetarian 5 or so years ago and even then he isn’t strict about it. Still happily tucks into a cheese sandwich and flys around the world telling people to look after nature lol.

  5. We already try and do a lot but it has gotten me thinking more about heat pumps and in the future having more of a climate control system in my house as long as i can power it with solar. Ny logic is a well insulated house kept cool by solar powered climate control system should remain cool overnight with windows shut.

  6. No. I’m not big corpo. Big corpo and celebrities are the ones making this place die. Not me.

  7. No, I dont believe that humans are causing climate change, i believe that it’s just the natural cycle of the earth, throughout history the earth has cooled and warmed all by itself so if we are making some sort of difference I think its minimal

  8. What can we really do whilst being globally capatalist societies.

    Capatalism is diametrically opposed to environmental sustainability because capatalism is all about selling goods that both use precious resources to make as well as energy to create.

    Greed means we are rapidly using up every natural resource on earth at an alarming rate and to make any real impact we would need global cooperation and agreement to limit our impact.

    We use to make TVs for example that would last for 20 plus years but in today’s global greed the same type of product is made to last only a few years with a far greater range of choice and type. Economies are now built on greed and growth and that will inevitably have a rapid speed increase in environmental impact.

    Really only governments around the world could slow our self destruction but because all of our economies are built on greed and consumerism it’s unlikely that we will halt our impact in time to save our species.

    I don’t think we can ultimately save ourselves without removal of capatalism but we might be able to slow our impact with being more environmentally conscious.

  9. I already only take public transport and am vegetarian idk what more you want from me. I’m not the one drilling for oil every day, just suffering the consequences.

  10. It makes me really panic about how our wildlife will survive. This year I have my first garden, Ive made a tiny little wild flower meadow, I’ve started growing veg, I’ve got bird feeders and a made a make shift bird bath to give animals water during the heatwave. I want to make a hole in the garden fence for hedgehogs, they’re having a tough time moving through peoples gardens and sadly i’ve seen a few as roadkill recently.

    I walked past a couple of dead birds on my walk home yesterday and it broke my heart.

    I really believe that if more people start doing small things like growing a few native flowers, stop spraying weedkiller on everything, stop using astroturf, etc It will add up and make a big difference.

  11. I’m fairly climate conscious as it is in terms of reusing and recycling, using public transport instead of driving, not eating much meat and dairy etc. But really all of those efforts are meaningless if big corporations, governments and the super rich aren’t doing anything to cut down their absurdly disproportionate emissions. Just yesterday I read something about Kylie Jenner taking 3 minute flights in her private jet.

  12. Not really – I try to do my bit and every person contributing is important…but there comes a point where an individual does as much as is feasible/practical (and also within a sustainable/ongoing way)

    I’d like to walk or cycle to work. The reality, I hate cycling…joking aside, it is doable, but the road has no pavement, no verge and is national speed limit. I have no way of freshening up at work other than a quick wet wipe. Not ideal in the temperature of the last few days. In winter, the road is unlit.

    Should I recycle more? I do, but the “check local recycling” stuff isn’t recyclable and driving to somewhere that is feels counterproductive. Yes, I could be a lot more package aware, but that then takes away food choices or forces me into a farmers market at prices I can’t afford for a weekly shop.

    Doing my bit for the wildlife by having an incredibly overgrown garden (so many bees in the flowers) but that’s sheer laziness to actually do any gardening.

    Ideally, big corporations need to make a change (like the bag charge – people used fewer because it cost money). And it needs to be worldwide. Even small things like making products last longer (making jeans better quality so I don’t need to buy a new pair every 2 years. Having whie goods that are designed to last more than the 3-5 year guarantee. My grandad has a mixer they got when they married (like 60 years ago) He’s still got the vacuum my great grandmother had and apparently, it still works.

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