What is something men don’t want their girl to worry about?

  1. Anything.
    “*Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. It only saps today of its joy.*”

  2. It depends on the definition of “worry”.

    She should worry about the things she controls, and only if she plans on taking preventive/corrective measures.

  3. “Do I look fat?”

    are you playing a mind game if you look good?
    or asking if you actually gained weight? or look like you gained weight?

  4. Other women’s useless opinions about useless things like celebrities, ideology, etc

  5. I wouldn’t want my girlfriend to worry. That’s it, just don’t worry.

  6. Our loyalty.

    Worrying too much about it without a justifiable reason puts strain on your communication and trust. Which means by extension the relationship as a whole.

  7. Money, Food & Shelter. They wont make a relationship but they can certainly break one. I think most guys take some personal pride in providing for their significant other/family.

  8. It’s really annoying when your girl will see any interaction you have with the other gender as cheating. I have a female coworker I worked on a project with and if my ex ever saw her name on my phone she would be angry about it for like a week. But the kind of angry where she plays the silent game excepting snide comments.

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