using a thrwoaway account because my gf knows my reddit

My gf has reported fly tipping near our house, looks like someone has left a letter there with their address on it. I told her to just leave it but alas here we are

Shes used her name and our address to report it to our council, shes now panicking and getting alot of anxiety thinking that the person who will get fined will be told it was us who reported them, im a little bit worried to as i really dont want potential trouble coming to my door.

Will the council tell them that it was us who reported them so I can put her mind at ease a bit

Can we call them and retract the report?


  1. Don’t worry mate.

    Council won’t tell them anything concerning other parties, they aren’t allowed to do so for exact reasons like your imagined scenario.

  2. No but local councillors might spraypaint u/one-paper-1126 is a grass on garage doors and fencing near the canal.

  3. No, there’s absolutely no reason for them to share your personal information and it would go against GDPR if they did.

  4. Not directly.

    Someone in our street reported neighbours dog barking.

    Council sent her a letter saying a neighbour is unhappy with the noise if you don’t sort it you can be fined etc.

    The letter that was supposed to go to the complainant telling them they have sent a letter and if it persists to contact…
    Also went to the culprit by mistake.

    You also get finger pointing and they blame who they think it was.

    However in this case I’d imagine the council will say ‘we found evidence’ leading the beleif they caught them rather than being grassed.

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