So im 14 years old and im spending most of my time inside my room. This entire summer I hanged out like only 5 Times cuz some friends invited me. I really want to hang out with people more but idk how to take initiative. Everytime I want to talk to them to invite them out I just dont because Idk what to do. Idk where to invite them to, and even if we do idk what to talk about with them. Those 5 Times I hanged out this summer, like 60% of the time it was only an awkard silence. And i do have Common interests with them its just that idk if they like it as much as me, and i am afrad cuz If I keep talking about that subject they will consider me annoying or something.

  1. you’re not going to be able to just “get rid” of social anxiety I’m afraid. It’ll be a bit of a journey, probably a combination of hard work on your part and potentially some counselling (dunno where you’re from but in my country there’s free services for teenagers to access counselling, they’re pretty good).

    If I could give you one bit of advice it’d be to start small with something that doesn’t make you too anxious, like choosing one friend and inviting them to do something that you know there’s a high chance of them enjoying. Build your confidence slowly and don’t be too hard on yourself 👍

  2. Social anxiety comes from constant self judgement

    If you cultivate a meditation practice, it would be able to help you accept things, be less judgemental, become more confident, and be more in the moment enjoying the experience rather than having thoughts going round and round in your head about how annoying or whatever you may be

    Completely disipating social anxiety is possible, are you willing to put in the work to achieve it?

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