I have 1 close friend which I think is growing apart from me (meeting new people, not talking to me unless I start the convo…) and I know a lot of other people but I just don’t know what to talk about with them, I feel anxious around them because I don’t know what to say or do. Everybody else is going to clubs, getting drunk, partying but that’s just not my kind of having fun. I also barely have any female friends, I’ve never had a girlfriend as well.

I also have a speech impediment, well not really as bad as it can be, but if you talk to me you’ll definitely know, which makes me really anxious and thinking people are not gonna like me or not even gonna talk to me because of it. I feel like i’m worth less than other people.

I’m starting college soon and I’m gonna try leaving my comfort zone and making as many friends as I can, maybe that will help me on being more “social”.

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