What is something you will tell the next generation?

  1. Don’t settle. Love yourself fully. Make sure you’re happy in yourself.

  2. Don’t let a single soul tell you who you are. You are who you are and that’s 100% okay.

    (As long as you aren’t a serial killer or something.)

  3. If you are what you eat, then your mind is what you read. Fill your mind with the good stuff, not social media

  4. Say “No” nonchalantly, without apology or explanation, like it’s a natural and accepted answer. Anyone’s denial, or protestations of your decline is disrespectful, and not your problem.

  5. The Boomers are nearly gone and that gives us hope to heal the planet eventually. Gen X is just there… but many are keeping the system going as it is. Others are still the rebels against the system they always were. Too many of my fellow Millennials will become the same as the Boomers because of greed/capitalism. I hope Gen-Z will become leaders for change like us Millennials tried to be. I don’t know what my son’s generation is, Gen Alpha? I hope Gen-X’s distancing from Boomers, Millennial’s drive for change and Gen-Z’s individualism will lead to the newest generation becoming what this planet needs.

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