Are looks important when it comes to relationships?

  1. Of course. I have to at least be able to look at you without making that face you make when you see someone step in a pile of dog doodoo.

  2. Of course they are. Nobody in their right mind would choose to stay with someone that physically repulses them.

  3. To a certain point yes. The idea that you can just let yourself go or not try as hard anymore now that you’re in a relationship isn’t a good mentality. There’s more to it than just appearances, but I think it does matter.

  4. For the absolute mass majority of people, yes, physical attraction matters. However, standards will differ based on the individual’s own attractiveness. Ugly people can still be seen as attractive by other ugly people – they’ll only find issues when trying to “bat outside of their league” by chasing attractive people instead of those with similar levels of physical attractiveness.

  5. Initially, yes. You need to have an attraction. But over time they become less important because your love has grown for the person. Hardly anyone is the same as when they first dated their spouse.

  6. Yes. If you aren’t attractive enough for my donger to rise to the occasion, it won’t work.

  7. Well, me personally, I wouldn’t wanna be waking up next to somebody I don’t find attractive

  8. There’s a base level of attractiveness I wouldn’t go below but I’d never be with a woman if that was all she had to offer

  9. Yes.
    When I was younger, I was told that personality was more important than looks, because looks fade over time.
    Experience taught me that personalities can fade, too.
    If they aren’t good looking, then, on the days when their personality sucks, you have nothing.
    When a good looking person’s personality sucks, you still have a pleasant face to look at.

  10. It is, I mean she doesn’t need to look like a top model if she has a good personality, *BUT* if she is…ugly as hell sorry, I need that kind of attraction to kiss her in the morning, so she can have a good personality but physical attraction is as important as well

  11. Attraction is an important component of initially getting interested and forming a relationship as well as an important component of maintaining an existing one.

  12. If I don’t wanna fuck then there’s no potential relationship on the table… unless you got something else I desire and then I can get my sexual desires fulfilled elsewhere

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