Something is off about my bf(23m). I (21f) have been with my bf for over a year …yesterday I sent him positivity and motivation throughout the day that he would pass his driving exam yesterday and after the exam he has been nothing but negative completely awaiting results claiming he failed. I don’t know at this point if he passed or failed exam because the last text i get from him is a scolding text. He says to me “U know I’m not in a good mood and u still push my buttons” like a complete personality flip and that was the end. After, I overheard a loud argument where he repeatedly cursed at his mother and then as she spoke back he screamed a loud scream. It sounded like a demon scream and I haven’t heard from him since that argument I heard on the phone. I don’t know whatever that was yesterday was not my bf and I can feel HATE and ANGER towards me (21f) and everyone. He snapped at everything it is scary like absolutely out of nowhere when all I’m doing was trying to tell him he doesn’t have to think negative about the results of the test and he never even got it back yet. But just automatically spazzed on me like I’m the worse person in the world pissing him off then spazzed on his mother. Someone help any thoughts advice on what I should do next step wise.

TDLR: Seems like my bf has had enough of me or has a plot personality anger issues I don’t know about

  1. It sounds like he needs professional help. That’s not an okay way to treat people and if you feel scared you should stay away.

    Anger like that doesn’t go away easily and it’s less likely to go away if he still feels like his life is normal (has a nice gf etc)

    Sometimes people need to lose stuff to realise they need to change

  2. When they show you who they really are it’s time to listen. Choose wether that is what your willing to live with. Good luck Op your too young to live that way. That’s just my opinion however.

  3. Sounds like a form of mental illness. Stress can make things much worse. He should be speaking to a therapist and possibly treating with medication. I would politely demand that he take those steps or else leave.

  4. Save yourself and LEAAAVEEE. Run don’t walk. Tell him you care but he needs to get help

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