I’m not going to go into everything I don’t like about her because it’s not her fault. And it’s not really just me who feels that way I’m sure.

There is a constant underlying negatively whenever we are together. We are snappy, or trying to avoid each other. I love her because of everything we’ve been through but I just don’t LIKE her at all.

I find her exceptionally boring. She has let me know that she finds me weird (because I’m a nerd). She likes small talk, surface level friendships (and it seems relationships). She’s extremely skilled at making friends but couldn’t tell you an intimate detail about any of them. I’m not interested in having a ton of friends but the friendships I do have are like family. I know everything about them. Our personalities could not be more different. We have no similar intrests, our opinions are either different or she defaults to my opion because it’s easier than making her own. We can’t banter or have an enjoyable conversation. Shes an exteeme extrovert I’m very much an introvert. We are littleral opposites in almost every way.

Our relationship was based off of physical stuff in the beginning but 10 years later and that has worn off and we’ve got nothing left. We agree that if we weren’t tied down to each other we would not be friends.

I am not trying to blame her because I’m aware it’s not that she sucks it’s just that we are not compatible… even me saying she’s boring… I mean she is boring TO ME. I’m sure other people don’t see her that way.

We’ve tried to get into each other’s intrests. It doesn’t work. One of us is bored and we don’t like each other well enough to just be happy spending time together.

Her facial expressions annoy me. Her mannerisms annoy me. Her voice annoys me. I know it sounds terrible… I know she feels the same because she is also annoyed most of the time when she’s around me. There is zero positive energy. We’ve both talked about it feels like a dark cloud when the other walks into the room.

Seems the only thing we can agree on is that relationship is disappointing.

Anyone else in the same boat? Any ideas to help?

  1. Why are you still together if you both feel the same way about each other? Why not just amicably end it? Of its kids, they see what your relationship is like and will grow up thinking this is the way its supposed to be.

  2. Are you sure she doesn’t just annoy you because of built up resentments? It sounds like your attitude overall towards her is very negative (which is very understandable.) You should try and dig deeper to figure out why you feel this way before throwing your relationship away.

  3. You don’t like her but you still love her.. You still share the same bed? You still have sex? You saying she annoys the heck outta you and that you have no interest. But I think there’s somethings you all agree on.

    Edits: finances, kids schooling, vacation spots, etc etc

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