My boyfriend (male 29) and I (female 27) are almost two years into our relationship. When it comes to our sex life, I get a little annoyed about sex after my period. I know my body and when my period has stopped, but my boyfriend likes to wait an extra 2 or more days after it ends before we have sex again. Is this typical for most men?

I can understand him wanting to make sure my period has completely ended but it feels so scheduled and routine…and also like a rejection. After a week of being on my period, I can’t wait to have sex with him again and it almost seems like he doesn’t feel the same way.


Can anyone else relate?

  1. Most men i know, myself included have zero issue with having sex during a womans period if she’s down for it. Jesus gave us showers and extra towels for a reason!

  2. Why is having sex during or after your period a problem for him? Is he freaked out by blood? Is this any blood or specifically menstrual blood? Is he worried he’s going to hurt you? Is it the smell of blood?

  3. I have never had a guy be like this and there have been many guys. I don’t think it’s normal at all.

  4. This is normal. Im a girl and I personally dont like to have sex on my period and I like to wait a few days after for the ph to get back to normal and things to be completely clear. Menstrual blood does have a smell and its okay if he’s not into it

  5. Seems like blood makes him uncomfortable, idk probably nothing too serious but you can always try talking to him about it

  6. Some guys just do have a problem with it for whatever reason. Everyone has their little quirks, so I wouldn’t worry about it. I never had a problem with it. When my X-wife was on her period I knew every Thursday I was getting pounded!

  7. I’m a woman and I like to wait a couple days after. End of my period is usually the brown old blood which grosses me out. To each their own but you can’t pressure or negotiate someone into sex when they are uncomfortable no matter the reason. No is no.

  8. Why are some of y’all shitting on this dude and calling him immature lol yea most guys don’t have a problem with it but not every dude is the same. It’s not rejection the guy just has his preferences, this honestly isn’t a big deal.

  9. There is usually a strong odor and residual blood when a girl just comes off her period. Some guys are not into that. He is obviously one of them. ~~You’re the most fertile at that time too.~~

  10. Honestly it depends on your partner.I being male does not bother me either way. But all men vary

  11. It sounds like this guy dosent understand how a womens body works and he’s scared of a little blood

  12. None of us are your boyfriend. He’s the only one who can tell you why he wants to wait a couple days. The only word you’ll hear from strangers online about a dude not having anything other than open arms towards periods is “immature”

  13. Some people don’t like blood, regardless of how natural the situation is

  14. Absolutely not. Maybe at like 19, but not at 29. Especially two years in 🥴

  15. No. I don’t care I’ll have sex with women on their period (not that it’s a fetish) but most women are hornier during there period so I’m not going to deprive them of enjoyment just because it’s their time of the month.

  16. Everyone’s is different. I frankly never cared. Some women don’t like too, and some men don’t. Some women don’t care, and some men do.

  17. I don’t see anything wrong with this; it’s the same arrangement I have with my bf. If we don’t wait an extra day or 2 there’s a chance my period will restart, which we both would rather avoid haha.

  18. Personally as a woman , I like to wait a few days to have sex after my period ends to. My partner is ok with sex right after but I’m not so we just wait. He doesn’t feel rejected, he understands that I just like to wait

  19. I personally don’t think that way as a male, but I’m afraid at the same time whether I satisfy her coz she will be in dominating mood right after her period.

  20. Let me ask you this. Would you let him do anal after having the runs or after a couple days after? Lmao

  21. When I was a teenager i neglected to tell my bf that I was having my period before we had sex. I didn’t know better and without much foreplay he didn’t notice until after.

    He cried a little he was so horrified. He was also pissed. I realized too late I should have warned him and felt like a total ass.

    Yeah but some guys i dated didn’t care a bit. I don’t like it cause it’s such a mess. A wee mini murder scene.

  22. Blood makes me squeamish and I’m a woman. The thought of period sex grosses me out. Nothing to
    do my partner. I just don’t like blood. It’s just not for everyone girl.

  23. Not sure. Haven’t dated most men, but my boyfriend has never had an issue with this. We’ve had sex while I’m actively bleeding on my period. I have a generally light flow though and we use condoms so he’s never been grossed out or worried about it.

  24. I’ve even had sex during my periods. It really depends from man to man, but most men I’ve been with were very mature about periods and never made me feel gross. We just waited long enough for oral but that was about it.

  25. Some men don’t like having sex when a women is on her period and I get why he wants to wait. I told my SO it’ll his dick is like a pipe cleaner cuz I’ll still have some period remains in there after if we have sex a couple days after. Can’t pressure a man to have sex if he’s uncomfortable.

  26. Why does it matter if it’s typical for most men or not? It’s his preference, respect that. No means no. He expressed to you he’s not comfortable with it, if the genders were reversed here everyone would be telling the guy he sounds rapey. I wouldn’t try to pressure him to have sex when he doesn’t want to due to whatever reasons he has. You can feel some type of way but it is what it is. It’s two extra days not the end of the world.

  27. I don’t think it matters what is ‘typical’. What’s most important in a relationship is that both of you are comfortable with what you’re doing, getting your needs met, and not feeling pressured into doing something you don’t want to do.

    If you’re saying you’re feeling rejected by his response to this, then talk to him about it. Maybe you could come to a compromise about what you can do during this time that would make you feel better about it.

    But if he feels uncomfortable with sex straight after your period it would be wrong to try and convince him or pressure him by using what other people think is ‘typical’.

    I don’t think it’s necessarily that harmful for him to feel this way, whilst many are fine with it, some people are very put off by blood or have other issues. Talking to him would let you know what’s at the bottom of this issue and whether you can work on it or compromise instead.

  28. I’m a guy. I’m ok with it. I have not seen any statistics on this, but I’ve got my own anecdotes.

    I’m not shy about it, and for me it’s always “I’m ok with it if you are, we can just throw a towel down.” My partners have generally been a no in the beginning of a relationship. Over time, as they get more comfortable with me it fades into a yes, unless it’s a heavy flow day. Like 1-2 days a month. Eventually after a year or so they start to say yes even on heavy flow days. It can be messy, but so is life. Some say it helps with the cramps, so they want it more on the uncomfortable days.

  29. In case it hasn’t been asked, does your boyfriend enjoy performing oral sex on you? This would be my #1 thought for why he wants to wait an extra couple of days. If it’s something he enjoys, I’m sure he’s trying to avoid any kind of situation where there’s still an irony aftertaste. Better to wait a day or two and avoid a situation which might spoil that whole act for him.

  30. I can totally relate. My husband’s always been exactly the same as your boyfriend and we’ve been together over 23 years! You can still enjoy each other’s naked bodies and bring each other to climax without penetration. I find orgasms really helpful for reducing my period cramps/abdominal pain! You can also enjoy clitoral stimulation while wearing a tampon! Periods can be a good excuse for trying other things out in the bedroom…BDSM and erotic play can be just as fun as sex!

  31. Although I’m DYING to have sex with my bf after my period, I also like to wait a couple of days after to have sex. I feel gross until its officially over.

  32. My husband couldn’t care less if I’m bleeding or not, plus sex helps with the cramps 🤷‍♀️

  33. Yeah, I feel the same way. My first time was a little traumatic (for me, my partner was fantastic), and from that I just get squicked out by periods. I’m always irrationally frightened that I’ve hurt my partner during period sex.

    And I feel weird going down on a woman on or after her period. Consuming the blood of another person is just… not a thing I ever want to do.

    So yeah, there are other guys out there like that. It’s not very “modern” or whatever, but sometimes a person just can’t help what they’re worried about.

  34. Apart from my husband, every guy I have met has a problem with blood getting on them and would wait for at least another day or two until after my periods. Point is,it is a personal boundary that you need to respect.

  35. It doesn’t matter what most men want, he would like to wait please respect his decision. Don’t force him to do anything he doesn’t want to.

  36. I totally understand you, even if his reasoning has nothing to do with his attraction to you and it’s just about his dislike for blood, it absolutely feels like a rejection for us. Maybe try to discuss this with him, and tell him how this makes you sad. He could make sure to give you extra attention and intimacy in those days! (also with time and exposure this might change, my boyfriend was super uneasy with my blood and now it’s super ok with it!)

    edit: obviously if he’s sensitive to blood he does not HAVE to change, you two just have to find the middle ground where he’s comfortable and you feel loved!

  37. From personal experience, it’s not weird I do the same.

    I’m not too educated on the subject, but I do understand that there’s sometimes spotting afterwards, even when everything’s all said and done supposedly.

    For my partner and I, we have an understanding that it’s not really rejection though and I would talk to him more about that if you’re feeling this way.

  38. Most men I know have zero issue with it, I actually can’t think of any that do, including myself. Has never stopped me.

  39. In my personal opinion I give zero fucks if my girlfriend is on her period. Pussy is pussy. I’ll eat it and fuck it. Blood or no blood.

  40. As a man (29), who is in 14yr relationship (yea, we started dating in mid school and are together until now), I still insist on same. 1-2 day pausa after period. Why? I want to be sure that there is no blood on 100%.

  41. My partner has sex with my while I’m on my period, when it’s not so heavy. He doesn’t really care. I felt self conscious about period sex intially and didn’t want to do it but he had no problem with it so we did and it felt really nice that he didn’t feel grossed out and still wanted me. So, I wouldn’t say it’s the standard for all men to behave like your partner. Everyone is different I guess.

  42. Eh, I don’t mind blood, some people are really squeamish I guess. I guess he’s that scared

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