So I was at the gym today and there was this girl wearing **white leggings** that were so **tight** you could clearly see her **butt crack**. Like, the leggings would literally go inside the middle of her butt cheeks and form this crack for everyone to see. AND, she was squatting. Since the leggings were bright, it called even more attention to her butt(hole).

So it got me wondering: when a man sees a woman dressed like that at the gym, what do they think about her?

I mean, of course you will acknowledge that she’s hot, we can’t help our instincts. But, besides the visual part, how do you regard her as a woman? Less valuable? Disposable? A woman of integrity?

Leave all the political correctness aside. I want HONEST answers of what guys actually think in this scenario.

  1. In most cases they’re women that are seeking validation. Whenever I go to the gym I just try to focus on myself and not feed into their ego. ( I should let it be known that not all women who wear that type of clothes think that way)

  2. If it’s not practical for what she’s there to do workout wise, it’s trash. I’m not there for eye candy. Even my gf’s Gym Bunny friends who are lesbian get turned off by something like that.

  3. Honest answer. I dig it. I wear small tank tops and 3.5” shorts to the gym. You can see my muscles and if you look you can see the outline of my dick. Why do I wear this? Because wearing as little as possible feels the best when working out. Total freedom of movement and I never have to think about my clothes at all. It’s fantastic. Also, I have a nice body and I’m hot. And while I certainly don’t need the attention from others, and 9/10 times I’m too focused on my workout to notice others glances and stares, when I do notice it’s a nice little ego boost. I assume it’s the same for a lot of women who wear little or tight clothes to the gym. It’s fine and it doesn’t matter, and I don’t think it’s worth the energy to care or get worked up about what others choose to do so long as their not hurting anybody. That’s my honest answer

  4. Honest answer? I don’t even look for more than a moment. I’m at the James (I can’t call it the Gym anymore, we aren’t that familiar with each other), and I don’t really care what everyone else is doing.

  5. I usually regard her as a stranger who’s got nothing to do with me or my workout

  6. It would strike me as someone who wants to be noticed, so that they can then complain about the attention in a “humble brag” context to their circle – “These MEN just won’t leave me ALONE!!!”

  7. As a woman, my first thought is whether she knows they are transparent! Totally possible she’s just looking for whatever kind of attention she can get, but there’s a chance she would be mortified to know her *ass crack* was out in public.

    I assume whether she did it knowingly or not would change what guys think of the outfit; it’d certainly influence my opinion on it

  8. I’m not developing complicated imagined back stories for people at the gym. I just left heavy things and put them down again

  9. I just make myself not look. I dont want to be distracted at the gym by women. I preferred that when I boxed that it was all men and there were no distractions with stuff like that.

    I dont judge women who do wear that stuff but I am confused by it. Most women who talk about this say they dont want to be oggled at the gym. Yet those clothes seem to contradict that. Oh well, to each their own.

  10. I find it gross. Not in a physical sense but a mental sense. Like she’s hot but it’s gross that she wants that much attention.

  11. If she’s got clothing that purposefully goes into her buttcrack and highlights this fact I suppose I might suspect she might be an exhibitionist of some sort.

  12. I don’t really care at this point, I’m kind of numb to seeing so many of them dressed like that. But I’ll admit my stupid lizard brain catches a look when it cans, and I honestly find it annoying to have to consciously fight it lol. So when I see them around, I just close my eyes and raise the volume on my headphones

  13. I assume she just wants to show off her body and I respect her less as a person. I would have no problem sleeping with her though; she’s just not dating material.

  14. I used to work out in a group at the gym, and I noticed this: the women dress in a way that they are comfortable with. Focus on your workout and not how they are dressed. If the woman is working out butt ass nekkid, that ain’t any of your ruttin business.

  15. I focus on my workout. I had one situation happen years ago, a girl in these super tiny shorts and a half shirt started doing bent over rows leaning on a bench directly in front of me, while I was seated doing overhead press. Like her whole ass was hanging out the bottom of the shorts and she didn’t care, like 10 feet directly in front of me (I was there first everything faces same direct toward a large mirror over the entire room)

    Like…. she could have chosen another area or flat surface to lean on. It was a big gym, and the bottom of her butt checks were hanging out. I got a boner and waited in another area for her to finish up. And it was obvious I got a boner I was hiding it with my hand when I got up… I seriously think she did it on purpose..

    I don’t think any less of anyone. There are girls who want attention (and everyone does in some way as social creatures) I think a attractive female likes to feel attractive and yeah if she finds a guy who is desirable she’s going to want to draw his attention. I’ve met girls at the gym too it not like it’s a bad area to meet people.

  16. Provocative clothing and full makeup, they are just looking for attention. Don’t care but gets annoying when they purposely want you to look and interrupt me when I finally get into the zone

  17. I would increase the volume of the music and move away from the place she’s squatting. I’m there to workout so why let someone else waste my time?

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