So basically, when I finish, I tend to want to be distant. I love my girlfriend dearly. But after sex I have this feeling of increased annoyance and wanting to be alone. She is the complete opposite. She wants to cuddle and be intimate after sex. I dont feel this way on purpose though, it just kind of happens every time I’m done with sex. Ive looked into it, and many have called it a “sex drop” where after i’m finished, i have a decreased libido and i feel more irritated and distant than usual. My girlfriend dislikes this, obviously. It makes her feel like i’m using her for pleasure and after sex I want nothing to do with her like its a one night stand. I dont know why I do it and I want to be able to control it. Any tips? (sex joke lol)

  1. Train it out. Try to appear happy even if you don’t feel it. Eventually it’ll change.

  2. This is more common than you think. So you feel any shame, guilt or any other inward punishment after you finish?

    Kinda like masturbating, sometimes people feel guilt because they had it beaten into them that it is the devil or evil or whatever.

    If that is the case, you need to try some reconditioning exercises. More importantly, be open and honest about it with her and ask her for help.

  3. This is very common. Don’t sweat it. Just let her rest her head on your chest. Wrap your arm around and scroll on your phone or something. Maybe watch a couple of YouTube vids together.

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