So 2 years ago, we fucked, shit was romantic for a good 3 weeks, but then she fucked another dude 2 days before I left my hometown, which is where she lives, she told me afterwards that she regretted but that it was in part because I never told her anything about how I felt about her and she felt insecure about my feelings towards her, okay fair enough, whatever, I forgave her, lets be friends, next year I barely see her but she insisted in us going out on a sort of date, I complied, whatever, I tried having sex but she didn’t want to, she seemed more interested in just spending time with me, cool, I don’t need sex, she’s a very smart cool person that I like spending time with, this girl is just my type and she picks my brain which for me means that she is smart and I am a sucker for smart charismatic girls.

In this date she tells me that she would see herself with me if we lived in the same town, I, in a doubtful and joking manner tell her that she should save her little speech for herself and she tells me that she doesn’t like that I don’t believe her, whatever we keep the conversation flowing and move to a different topic. A year later, this year, in present time, we see eachother again, we always joke about hooking up with eachother and being a fake couple, she gives me small little peck kisses every now and then, I give her some too, I try to get a little more and she moves away, whatever, there’s other girls, but she knows that she’s my first option, since she honestly is my first option, I try to play it cool and socialize with everyone that we go out with, including other attractive girls to not make it seem like I’m head over heels for her, which I kind of am, and I can see that she gets a little bothered but she plays it cool too.

To make things short, she left with another dude tonight, I know I should just forget her and move on, but all this back and forward lovey dovey shit just makes it feel like a promiscuous couple love story (we’re both very into casual fun) if you get what I mean, should I have given her more of my focused and romantic attention or does she just simply like toying with me since I’m obviously really into her and I could be getting other girls, so a bigger ego boost than just a regular simpy dude

  1. She probably has this same type of back and forth quasi flirtatious relationship with like ten other guys, and probably tells them all the same thing about how they would be together if x, y and z. Move on. She’s keeping you around as a back-up/ego boost. And that bullshit she said after cheating on you was exactly that, bullshit. Have some damn respect for yourself. There’s millions of other girls around.

  2. Sounds like she knows you’re into her (said it yourself you’re obviously really into her) and she’s either

    1. Stringing you along and keeping you in the Friend Zone
    2. She’s waiting for you to make a move first

    So you want to be with her as a couple by the sounds of it? What’s stopping you from just asking her on another date? If she says no then you move on and “get other girls”

    It can’t be good for your mental health to be so into her and knowing she’s banging other dudes every other night.

  3. She’s keeping you around for validation only. She does not want to be in a relationship, ever

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