If heaven exists, what’s the first thing you’d do?

  1. Cuddle the loving pets I grew up with and who helped me countless times with my loneliness and sadness in my childhood, and reunite with the loved ones I lost to tell them how much I missed them and the things I never got to do/say before they passed away.

  2. I would hope that my pets who have passed away would all come running to me. That would be the first thing I’d want to see.

  3. Have tea with God and tell him that I want to be like Bruce Almighty for a day, either that or give me angel wings!!!

  4. Find my granny and tell her about my SO and her great grandchild. She passed before meeting him and I wasn’t pregnant at the time. I’ve cut off both sides of my family, but she was the only one on either side that made me feel loved, wanted, and safe- I don’t care about anyone else from my family meeting my baby but I wish so so much that he could meet her once he’s born. I wish I could tell her that I found a good man- that he loves me and that I’m cared for and that making my own family with him is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. That she doesn’t have to worry about me. That I’m happy and I’m safe.

    I miss you, granny. I love you. I hope they have pacman and blackberry wine up in heaven just for you.

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