I’m 17m and I was feeling sexual tension with a 25f like 2 months ago and on Wednesday this week we fucked in like an office at a sport event that I was only there for because my cousin was playing netball.

She told my cousin to tell me to be there because she was playing hockey and I should come watch so after watching and getting pizza we were walking around just talking and then we found a office that was quiet and boom.

Idk how to feel cause like she’s hot and I’ve known her since 2018 and I’m friends with her brother who’s 18. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it or that I wouldn’t do it again.

Gonna see her Wednesday again at the same sports place cause it’s a weekly thing and I’m excited but conflicted. I have a whole other story about this situation and my dad but this post is long enough already, maybe I’ll give update or something just wanted to hear your opinions.

Tldr I’m 17 and had sex with a 25f and I really don’t know how to feel about it

  1. Bro that’s a W.. that’s experience and bragging rights.. ( for your age now), but just don’t be tough on yourself.. do u feel she gas lighted you or was you abused? If not then dude keep the streak going lmao

  2. It’s kind of weird that a 25 year old wants to fuck a 17 year old. As far as you mentioning you dad, has she been with him too or something?

  3. I personally don’t see any problem. You are 17 but you express yourself like an adult. Enjoy life with what happens in the moment.

  4. Honestly it’s a bit disgusting an adult woman did what she did. I don’t know what the age of constent in your country is, but 8 years difference and life experience show’s that she is not a mature or stable woman.

    If you were a girl and she a man, i’d have the same opinion. Adults who fuck teenagers are always secretly super fucked in the head and I’d get out while you can.

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