I (m25) have been with my gf (f21) in 5 months. We started as fwb and then we fell in love.
I used to have a job that required a lot of traveling, I was home for only two days a week. I spent all my time with her and we had a lot of sex. I mean sex all the time, and there were weeks I worked from home and we had sex all day every day.

I quit that job for various reasons, one was so that I can be with her more often. Now she pretty much lives with me
and we have sex Twice A Week. This sucks…

This isn’t the only time this has happened to me, in every relationship I have been in exactly this has happened. Lots of sex at the beginning and the no sex. My friends can relate to this too.

I ask why? I get the same response from all.
“I don’t know why… I want to have sex with you but I just not that horny right now.” “I am afraid that you are with me just because of sex.”

I love my gf she is everything I could have asked for, beautiful and down to earth. Our relationship is wonderful, there is no toxicity only love and laughter! ❤️ And when we have sex I make her cum at least 4 times, I have never had this good sex with any one else and she thinks the same.

But I feel that it’s a problem that I have less sex now than I used to when I was single.
I don’t get why you would say no to orgasm four times in a row, I only cum once and it’s great. I think it’s because I want it so much that they reject it. I don’t know get the logic to that but it’s what I came up with.

TLDR; We had lots of sex in the beginning of relationship and now very little. I has happen in every relationship I have been in and I don’t get why? Maybe I seem as though I only want sex to my girl…

  1. Ok, so 5 months is still the beginning of a relationship…you seem to have leap frogged forward a bit by already living together at this stage.

    But yeah, when you only see each other for a couple of days a week you cram the sex in because you won’t get it for a while …when you’re together everyday it’s not really realistic to expect that every day will just be filled with sex….

    Add into that the new relationship energy dies down a little over time… especially when you move in…

    You guys will find your equilibrium…but if you’re expecting sex every day, and she’s happy with sex 2 or 3 times a week you’re gonna run into issues from time to time…

  2. Like oh my god just be grateful you get/got laid at all some of us don’t you know and I’m older than u

  3. two times a week isn’t exactly nothing! and for us it’s quality not quantity, if you have an amazing night with 4 orgasms. that’s better than just a quicky during the week without one or just one. it’s a sign she feels more comfortable with you and relaxed, not craming all the sex into 2 days, and maybe she doesn’t want you to think of her as just a sex object so may be holding back to make sure you are actually in it for the right reasons. you need to have a frank and honest conversation about it.

  4. Does she feel as though you guys are lacking in other departments? Like going on dates or compliments or subtle sexual gestures, not just always trying to stick it in.

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