So I 18F been going out with this guy 18M for around a month but I’ve been friends with him for around 5 months. He is overly nice and sweet and perfect but I’ve lost all feelings for him the day we got together which was quit forced. I get the ick so easily and holding hands or hugging physically pains me. I can’t break up with him as all our mutual friends adore him and see him as some sort of god. Not to mention that I was crazy about him a while ago and everyone made an effort for us to be a thing. I don’t want to be hated by my male friends as I know they appreciate him more than me. I liked him more at first but I can tell he likes me more now. Thinking about him doesn’t make my heart beat anymore and I don’t even want to go out to see him. We spoke today just me and him for around about half an hour and it was so awkward that it pained me. I know I don’t like him anymore but I literally cant muster up the courage to say that I don’t want to be with him anymore.

TDLR I want to break up with my perfect boyfriend because I don’t like him anymore but I’m afraid my friends will hate me.

1 comment
  1. Generally being stuck in a bad relationship is worse than being single. The right thing to do is to call it off while being as respectful as you can, let the poor man be free, but then you have to commit to that decision, nobody will respect you if you flip flop and play with his emotions

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