So I 22 F have had only one sexual partner to whom Ibalso lost my virginity to. When I first did it, it was just normal discomfort a lot like a UTI but not so bothersome amd shrugged it. In june I contacted a UTI so bad the pain reached my kidney. I left for home in another country and got treated. I was fine within a week. And stayed home for more than a month and was completely OK. Now i am back and had sex yesterday and I feel the symptoms creeping ups again. Will I just have to give up sex because of this? I dont wanna get sick again. Does this happen too often to women? And what can I do to avoid it. I know lot of you would say peeimg after sex which I did this time and washed myself.

  1. You should both take care of your hygiene, it’s best of you wash yourself before sex, pee after and drink a lot of water and/or cranberry juice. It might help to not change positions during sex, especially if there’s a risk of bacteria going to places where it shouldn’t be.

  2. You need to pee right before and right after sex. You need to wash with water and gentle soap like Dove. Your partner needs to be taking care of personal hygiene to not be thrusting bacteria into you. UTIs every time you have sex is indicative of poor hygiene between one or both partners.

  3. Personally I’m prone to UTI’s as I use catheters, I have had a few from sex over the years though. Personally I find just giving down there a little wash before and after really helps, I tend to pee then do it. Pee as soon as you can after the sex. I have found keeping my hair trimmed or mostly shaved helps too, it’s something I only stumbled upon this summer when I realised I haven’t had a UTI since winter. I wasn’t sexually active with a partner over the winter yet had more UTI’s. Also having your partner keep their hair shorter/shaved will help and get them to have a quick wash beforehand too. A supplement called D-Mannose can really help with the prevention of UTI’s and drinking cranberry juice also helps. Drink plenty of water around the time of having sex too, it will help flush everything out

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