I’ve (15m) already made a separate post about a friend of mine who became an AH, so I cut him out of my life. I felt so much relief after that, but it got me thinking. I’d spent the afternoon with someone (13m) I felt actually wanted me there, who cared for what I wanted to do, and felt guilty for leaving me outside for a few minutes whilst he grabbed something for himself to eat.

Meanwhile, my other so-called ‘friends’ (15m, 15m, 15m, 15m) have never even made an effort to see me outside of school, or speak to me outside of school, I’m always the one that starts the conversation.

Two of them have already stated that they ‘don’t object to having me in their life’ but didn’t go as far as to say they actually wanted me there. I don’t actually feel like I’m wanted in those relationships, merely tolerated, and I hate it.

Sometimes I catch a look on one of their faces, and I can hardly describe it as anything but hatred.

But, there are times where we can get on quite well, so idk what to do anymore.

Should I cut them out, and avoid the hassle they cause? Or should I try one last time to make my feelings clear and fix the relationships, after all I’ve know them all for between two and four years (depending on the person)?

Tl;Dr I don’t feel wanted by most of my friends, I don’t know what to do.

  1. What does AH mean?

    And only you would know whether or not to cut your friends off. Do they add value to your life? Are you happier with or without them around? Just because someone is around to talk to, it doesn’t mean you have to be super close to them.

    They can be acquaintances, people you just have casual conversation with. If they make no effort outside of school, that’s really all they are anyway. And that’s okay. You don’t have to keep trying to be close to them.

  2. hey! i would say to have a direct conversation with them if you can. discuss how you’re feeling and what makes you feel that way. i know it may be hard, but if done right, it can be very beneficial!

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