Just curious what is considered normal?

  1. 4 childhood friends, 1 I met along the way, some far away friends.. in total I’d say 10 of who I consider real friends

  2. I used to have a lot but now maybe 5 – 10 good ones and 2 – 3 close ones, depending on how often we put in the effort to chat or do things together. I play a sport so there’s a lot of “friends” that I make but I rarely see them elsewhere. Maybe grab food with afterwards but they’re mostly sport friends.

  3. 2 actual close friends, 1 girlfriend, and 2 or 3 “friends” that I only see at university.

  4. Pretty big question… what is a “friend” after all…

    I’d say, I have about 10 people who I’d live and die for and they’ do the same for me, a lot of them are older friends from earlier in life who aren’t actively part of my life anymore, but are always a phonecall away.

    Then locally, I’ve been living where I’m at now for a few years, got like 20 or so people who I could call to see what’s up and to hang out with regularly, but only 2 of them are like a “ride or die” homie i actually trust with important shit and hang out with all the time.

  5. People I hang out/talk with regularly? Around 25+, and I’ve been a little asocial lately.

    People I legitimately consider friends? Maybe 5. These are the people I would legitimately have to say “Don’t do anything to her” if my girlfriend did anything shitty to me. Those are, contrary to what American culture tends to suggest, quite rare.

  6. Absolutely none, I lost all contacts with my old friends and I don’t feel the need to make new ones right now.

  7. Aquaintances – as many as you like.
    People you trust – if you’ve got 2 or 3, you’ve fortunate. Hold on to them.

  8. If I were to summon my “inner circle” it would probably be around 8 people.

    If I would invite people to a party, then maybe 25 people.

  9. 0, not because I’m some kind of ghoul or something and no one likes me but because I don’t want to have to stop what I’m working on to help someone move, to fix something, to pick someone up or any other problem someone would call on a friend for. I don’t have friends because I like to spend all my free time doing shit I want to do.

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