I am in a friend group of 4 girls including myself. I will call the other girls A, B, and C. Me, A, and B have been friends for years now. C is a new friend. We met C a few months ago and have been hanging out with her since then. She seemed like a nice person at first and she clicked with us.

I love A and B and they are my best friends. But C is really frustrating me right now. It all started a few weeks ago when I found out that C has been starting drama within the group. Here are a few examples.

Apparently, C told A that I thinks she’s ugly. This is not true at all. I have never said anything like this about my friend. She also told A (on a different occasion) that I told her that I plan on stealing A’s boyfriend from her. This is not true either. I’m a loyal friend and would not ever dream of doing this.

The other day, as I was texting C, I mentioned that I was going to the movies with A. This was a movie that me and A have been wanting to see. B did not want to go and was not interested in this particular movie. But C then used this info against me. She told B that I didn’t want to hang out with her anymore, which is why I hadn’t invited her to the movie. I NEVER told C this. She twisted my words to fit her drama agenda.

C has also involved A’s boyfriend in the drama. She betrayed A by talking about her to her boyfriend behind her back. She told him about a private matter that A had specifically asked her not to tell him. C then told B that during their convo, A’s boyfriend revealed that he has a secret crush on B and that he doesn’t love A anymore. So C told B that she should try flirting with him. Later, A’s boyfriend told A that none of this is true, and that actually, C was flirting with him during their convo.

We are all sick and tired of C’s antics. It’s pointless and it’s just stressing us all out. It’s like she’s TRYING to cause drama within the group. And she thinks it’s funny and entertaining. She thinks its all a big joke and doesn’t understand why we’re upset. She feels like it’s not a big deal and we’re overreacting. She also justifies her behavior by claiming she’s just trying to “help” our group, but nothing she has done has helped us. It just causes stress and drama. I don’t understand why she finds her behavior okay and fun to do.

I’ve spoken to my mom about the whole thing and she suggests ending our friendship with C. I honestly don’t hate C (none of us do). She does have good qualities and I don’t believe she’s actually a BAD person. I just don’t understand why she’s doing this. I really want to get along and be friends with her but she’s just making that impossible right now.


TLDR: friend is starting drama within four friend group

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