We always try to make each other laugh and poke fun at each other but I’m noticing that most of the poking fun at is directed to me. Even the nicest girl I know makes remarks about me.

And there’s people who I barely met who the first conversation that I remember was how my legs look weird that I look like a dumbass. I just barely met them. Fuck.

They mostly comment about my hair, body, looks, and how annoying I am. Compared to my other friend, they are always complimenting her even if we wear they same style of makeup or has no makeup at all. And she knows this but she constantly needs reassurance about it.

Does this really mean that I’m just hella ugly or am I just a bitch? I honestly don’t think they even like me considering how long our friendships started. I hate this feeling so much like shit, I really don’t think they like me!

  1. i’m starting to think they’re not your friends. joking about it once or twice is ok, but they seem to be using you as a punching bag

  2. So, one of my friends has a big nose. We all make fun of him for it. I think he’s one of the more attractive guys I’ve met. The nose doesn’t matter, really. Another is very skinny. We sometimes say he’s like a pole. Also, in my opinion, very attractive dude. There’s another that’s a bit overweight. We don’t comment on his weight. Because the other guys have made it known, in one way or another, that they don’t take the jokes too seriously, find it funny, or even chime in and roast someone else in a similar light hearted way. No one in my group says it to Deneen someone else. We’d stop, outright, if that’d seem to be the case. My overweight friend actually goes to the gym, and while he haven’t “tested” the joke out, I don’t see why we would because we subconsciously feel like it might actually hurt him more than anything. I’m short and also, despite being Hispanic, am much more fluent in English than Spanish. My friends are all from Central America. They sometimes make fun of my accents, sometimes of my height, and a few times of my skin tone, since my skin tone is so light. I’m not offended by these. Every once in a awhile they might catch me in a bad day, but I know they don’t mean it in a way to actually criticize or make fun of me or try to put me down. We’re all just poking at each other.

    If you feel like your friends are crossing a line, tell them about it. You don’t have to do so in a confrontational way. But try to pick someone you trust the most out of the group and tell them what’s up. That you’re actually insecure about these things or that these comments are actually making you feel bad. Even if that’s not their intentions, those are the consequences of those frequent comments. Try to explain to them how uncomfortable you’re starting to feel. If they don’t stop, don’t seem to care, or don’t take you seriously, try to distance yourself from those people. It’s fine to joke around with someone every now and then, roasting each other and what not. But once a line’s been crossed, they should respect. If they were actual friends, they would. If not, starting slowly separating yourself from these people and finding others that will treat you better.

  3. Change your friends. The first time they told you it could be just for fun but since you probably didn’t say anything they had to get used to it.

  4. Find other friends. If your friends are saying you’re annoying then that’s how they really feel – even if they say they’re “joking”.

  5. They are not your real friends, if they were, they would have never mocked you. Find better friendship group, there are better people! I promise you, there are better people and cut those ‘friends’ that mock you.

  6. You’re maybe ugly but that’s not a reason to treat you that way.
    Ditch those stupid superficial friends

  7. Behaviour comes from “the inside” of a person. Those who project judgement are very judgemental about themselves.
    Doesnt matter what others think of you. What matters is how you see yourself.
    Mockery is the most normal thing in groups of friends. Some are chosen out to be mocked more for several reasons: 1. You get angry when mocked(ppl like to trigger others) 2. They are jellous of you 3. They have sided with someone (grouping against one is “power”) 4. And the most important one, they want you to be like them (controlled).

    You have choices in life, choose what is best for you. Fck that toxicity shit.

  8. they pick on you because you’re the one who takes it who they can get away with.

    there’s always that one person in the friend group that people pick on the most, usually it’s the one they regard as weaker since they’re not the ones fighting back it helps them let off steam they can point at you to feel better about themselves and their own insecurities.

    then there’s some sort of hierarchy that forms, it’s not just based on looks but the ability to be someone menacing

  9. they sound like assholes if that’s all they have to say about you. i will say though, that when i do tease my friends, i only make fun of the looks of the attractive ones.

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