Was talking with a friend about another friend whom she just had a fight with and that friend left the party early. I asked her what happened and it started normally and she started to go after me too. Her guy friend grabbed me by both shoulders to pull me away and I yelled don’t touch me and ripped my arms out. I walked away to go home and one of her other friends grabbed both my shoulders to pull or shove or direct or whatever me away and I yelled don’t touch me again.

  1. Sounds like a stretch to call it assault tbh. Rude, certainly. But it sounds like it wasn’t a gesture meant to cause physical harm, and it didn’t, so calling it assault is a bit heavy handed I think.

  2. “The definition of assault varies by jurisdiction, but is generally defined as intentionally putting another person in reasonable apprehension of an imminent harmful or offensive contact. Physical injury is not required.”


    Thas assualt bro

  3. The first guy sounds like he was trying to stop the argument and the second person was just egging it on. Neither should have touched you. I would just leave it alone and move on.

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