Should a guest room have a TV? Why or why not? Cable or no cable/streaming box or no box?

  1. Guest room is still my room when there are no guests, so I can use the TV if I want to…

  2. I only have a TV in my living room. If there’s something I really, really want to watch in bed, I’ll use my tablet and stream something.

  3. I don’t put TVs in the bedroom because bedrooms are for sleeping or fucking. No other reason to hang out in there.

  4. I generally wouldn’t, but I’m not a “tvs in bedrooms” kind of person anyway. I might put one in there if I was using the room to do video workouts or watch instructional material for crafting in there, but it would be the only bedroom with a TV in it if so.

  5. I would, because it just doesn’t hurt to have it in there. Plus, one of my friends who is my most frequent guest likes to fall asleep to the TV. So, why not? If you can afford to put a cablebox in there, go for it. Otherwise, throw firestick on it.

  6. I don’t like putting TVs in bedrooms. Just not a look I enjoy and that would require me buying ANOTHER TV.

  7. I wouldn’t because that seems like a waste of money. None of my friends who’d use it the most watch actual tv and if they come for longer than a few days they bring their laptops anyway and can watch whatever they want on there and if they just come for a night or a few days they’ll live without watching something.

  8. I think it’s polite to have one. We don’t have cable but I’d put my Roku up there if someone was staying since it’s not being used anyway.

  9. I don’t have a TV in my home for my personal use so it wouldn’t make sense to invest in a TV, cable and have to pay the tax every year just on the off chance that my guest will want to watch TV one evening.

  10. I would if we had a guest room. Just a nice gesture for them to be comfortable and decompress in a private space without feeling pressure to spend time around me every minute they’re awake. Alas, we do not have a guest room. Also, we only have one TV in our house.

  11. The only TV we have is in the living room. It’s not common to have TV in the bedrooms where I am, so I wouldn’t put one in a guest room.

    I may consider if we had a guest suite where it was expected guest would be spending considerable amount of time in there.

  12. I wouldn’t bother. When friends stay around they’re there to hang out with me, they wouldn’t have time to watch TV by themselves in a guest room. Maybe if I had a much longer term guest I’d consider it, but even then most people I know just watch TV on laptops.

  13. Right now I don’t have a guest room, but honestly if I did, I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to put a TV there. Me and my SO don’t really enjoy people in our space, and if someone was staying at our place it’d be because we were drinking and they couldn’t drive home. There wouldn’t be much of a purpose for it. If we had an extra TV laying around (which honestly isn’t that strange for us, we have an extra 49” TV sitting in our game room closet rn) then I’d probably put it in a guest room so it had a home and wasn’t completely useless.

    I really don’t plan on having longterm guests stay with me, so I’m not really sure if I’ll ever have a guest room in general.

  14. TVs don’t go in any bedroom in my household. The only one we have is in the living room.

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