My fiancé 25M and I 23F have been engaged for a year and plan to get married, just haven’t set a date yet due to financial reasons. I am a woman who takes care of 90% of the house chores (I have to ask him for help to receive any) I cook every night, I take care of all of our finances (our money is together and yes I know that’s probably a bad idea but that’s a story for another time) I buy all of our groceries, and basically what I’m saying is, I pull majority of the weight in our relationship. I have never complained and I do this without even putting thought into it most of the time.

He recently got an Xbox 2-3 months ago and has played off and on up until the last month. It was never an issue until recently. Over the last month, he has joined a group online and he’s been spending every spare moment playing a specific game. Initially, it was 7 days a week from the time he got home until the time he went to bed. He used to always come to bed with me on week nights at a decent hour, but that changed after he started playing the game. I spoke with him about this and told me that it bothered me that he was spending so much time playing and I felt like our relationship was being neglected. We came to the agreement that he would play on the weekends and maybe occasionally during the week but he would slow down. This quickly translated into being off of it Tues-Wed-Thurs and then spending every waking moment playing the game Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon. Again, this bothers me because he puts no effort into anything else when he is wrapped up in the game. I addressed it again tonight and things took a turn for the worst. He has threatened to leave me because he says I’m being controlling by saying it’s still too much. I asked him what we needed to do to compromise and not end our relationship over this and he told me I need to come get him and ask him to spend time with me or help with house chores. I do not feel like I should have to ask for those things when I do everything that I do for us, without having to be asked. It’s expected of me and completely unappreciated. Am I wrong for feeling like his idea of compromising is wrong? I want him to have his free time and a way to decompress but I feel like 6-8 hours a day is excessive and I don’t feel like I should have to ask for the bare minimum from him when I give him all my effort without being asked. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

  1. >down. This quickly translated into being off of it Tues-Wed-Thurs and then spending every waking moment playing the game Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon. Again, this bothers me because he puts no effort into anything else when he is wrapped up in the game. I addressed it again tonight and things took a turn for the worst. He has threatened to leave me because he says I’m being controlling by saying it’s still too much.

    Mmm you’re not being controlling. He’s neglecting you. It sounds like it’s time for a reality check for him. Will he really be ok if you left?

  2. I married a gamer. It wasn’t bad until he got into world of warcrap in 2004 I think. We married the year before. If I could go back, I’d not married him.

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