What are some of the most unique money making methods you know of?

  1. Bro get this: I go sit at this desk every day for 8 hours. I do about an hour of actual work, and the other 7 I post on reddit. Then every week they pay me! It’s fucking nuts!

  2. Apparently, the best wealth creation strategy is to own a distribution licence for a popular product.

  3. I don’t know if it’s unique but my wife makes our two pet dogs pay for themselves. Over the last 4 years she’s made 40K off selling the pups. She breeds them once a year. I think this is our last year. But she is/was an educated professional woman when we met and a SAHM for the last 17 years. She’s not used to not having her own income so she has all kinds of side hustles. She has her own bank account for keeping track of her income on the hustle side of things and often jokes it’s her divorce account when she leaves me. Lol reality: it’s the vacation account.

  4. One of the more unique ones I’ve done is softcore homoerotic wrestling.

  5. Trapping mice prior to government inspections.

    A guy who I used to work with was seriously debating leaving the IT field to work with some family of his on this hustle. Here’s the basic gist – whenever there are big government construction projects, like say a new museum, there are times when big important (funding-impacting) government people come and look at the project in-person. It’s *very* important that the project look like it’s going great when these things happen. And for that reason it’s a problem that construction oftentimes attracts rodents. So these guys have negotiated contracts with the government organizations doing the construction. They’ll set up some cameras and other surveillance equipment up like a week ahead of time, do a small bit of investigation on the number of rodents, where they are hiding, etc, and then like a night or two before the big inspection they show up with a bunch of traps and whatnot and remove every rodent they can find. He said they were pulling six figures for like two weeks of work between something like ten people.

    He said some parts of the work sucked, but for the most part it was just boring/tedious and easy to drift through.

  6. I knew someone that imported and sold vanilla. He made a ton because he had some deal with a manufacturer to supply all their vanillas.

  7. Luring people to hotel rooms, extracting their organs and selling them on the black market.

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