Personally I can’t sleep with weight on my feet. Blanket has to be poofed up around them

  1. When parking in a parking lot, I like to park in the back where there are no other cars because I have really bad anxiety and I am afraid of hitting someone’s car and parking far away calms my anxiety. It heightens my anxiety when someone decides to park next to me when there are a MILLION open spots avaliable to park.

    Also, I always time when its safe to get on the elevator at work because I like riding the elevator alone and I am claustrophobic. If I see a group of people walking towards the elevator.. I will use the stairs.

  2. Sometimes when I laugh I laugh for more than 5 minutes straight. Like i laugh so much I struggle for air, my abs hurt and sometimes I have to lay down on the floor. Whenever im about to stop; meeting someones gaze or someone just saying “that was fun” or something similar will make me laugh for another couple of minutes.. I’ve always known this, but I’ve noticed that it apparently is a bit odd.

  3. I laugh waaaay too much at stupid things

    My friend had a spider in her apartment for the longest time and I noticed one day it wasn’t in the same corner anymore, I asked where it was and she said “I dunno, must’ve gone out the front door”

    I laughed for 3 hours at that.

  4. I see your blanket poofed up around your feet and raise you …….. I can’t stand when the blanket is in front of my nose and I can feel my breath hit my face because of it. It makes me feel like I’m suffocating. So I have to either move the blanket or smooth it out so I can’t feel my exhales on my face.

  5. My sink is beside the bath in my family bathroom (so the bath is pointing towards the left side of the sink). Whenever I brush my teeth at night I put my left leg on the edge of the bath while I face the mirror above the sink. I don’t know why, and I only do it at night.

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