I’ve decided I’m ready to not be alone anymore and thought this would be a brilliant question to ask. If you were outside and someone wanted to talk to you what would make you feel comfortable or even interested in this person as opposed to uncomfortable or uninterested. Do you wish more people talked to you? I know not to wait if you’re in a place and plan to approach someone, good eye contact (not too intense), stand up straight, speak confidently, open body language, but I’d like to hear anything people here have to say. I’m sure many people would be thrilled to have a nice conversation with someone new. I just have never gotten into the rythem of meeting new people, especially taking the initiative myself but I really want to. For context I’m a 20 year old male. I’ve had a girlfriend and friends before but have lived a mostly shy and sheltered life, especially the last two years have been really bad for me but I have hope that all of that could change rather quickly especially if I put myself out there and develop skills with meeting people and developing new relationships. I know I can do it too. I was doing acting at school for a while and even got the lead in a play, and I’ve had a girlfriend in the past but to be fair I was set up with her by a mutual friend and school was a familiar environment. I can be very charismatic if I am with familiar people that I trust but for a long time now I have been living a very isolated life. Maybe there is a way I can bypass my uncomfortableness and access that charismatic, feel free person I know is inside me. It probably just is exposure therapy, a numbers game (some people will be inviting and others not), and a learning curve achieved by seeing what happens but yeah I thought I’d make a post here.

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