So a girl (19) that I (M18) have known for a couple years have started talking. Not all the time but a fairly decent conversation too consider ourselves friends.

It all started when she posted on her insta story “what makes you happy?”, I thinking nothing of it at the time replied “Writing music and playing the guitar”. She messaged me and we were talking most days for like 2 or 3 weeks.

Conversation ended and we got on with our lives, she’s studying cancer treatment and I’m a truck driver. I reached out to her the other day and found out she’s living back in my part of the country. I had the opportunity to say “we should grab lunch or coffee sometime” but didn’t take it.

How do i go about this situation. I want to ask her but don’t want to be annoying, do i wait a while and then message her so it doesn’t seem so soon ? Help

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