What would be your dream holiday, No expense spared

  1. Depends on the season, either 2 weeks heliskiing in Canada or the USA or 2 weeks all inclusive in Bora Bora.

  2. If it’s limited to just one country and has a time limit, then New Zealand. One day I will run around on Mount Sunday with a sword.

    If I can go to as many places I want to, with unlimited money and time, then I’m travelling around the world and pretty much only avoiding the places it would be extremely unsafe for me to travel alone to as an afab person.

  3. To be me living the life I live, I enjoy my work so it’s like a hobby and only work when I want to, the rest of the time is spent with my family and in our own woodland doing whatever we want.

  4. Not the typical dream holiday and bit boring but I want to spend a few weeks travelling and documenting every corner of the British Isles, taking photographs, talking to people, experiencing local cultures and learning the history of each place.

  5. Honestly I’d like a week by myself by the coast in the uk in a nice cottage or something with a fire. I’d play some video games, then go out and eat some fish and chips while walking along the beach.

    I know it’s really boring but I have so much to do everyday and though I love my family sometimes I’d just like a little break from it all.

  6. It would be a holiday to a remote woodland cabin way up in the snowy northern parts of Canada. I would have lots of food and provisions stocked up for a long stay between the months of late May – late September/Early October.

    I would spend my days chopping and gathering firewood, doing a spot of fishing, doing some menial tasks like laundry and other self-maintenance chores. Just enjoying the nature all around me in the lovely cold weather.

  7. Route 66 but as it used to be in it’s heyday, not what’s left of it and the dereliction it has now. It must’ve been awesome in the 50s and 60s.

  8. A week chilling at home doing nothing, then a week in New York followed immediately by a fortnight in the Caribbean to relax has always been my dream.

  9. Japan is mine and my fiance’s ideal honeymoon.

    We want to see several places: hokkaido, osaka, tokyo, stay at a traditional hot springs in the mountains, try lots of authentic dishes (regional specialities) and see some festivals.

    But the cost is eye-watering…

  10. I know lots of people that Would hate it but would love to do a Caribbean cruise. The type that has shops, casinos etc .

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