If you could be in an open relationship where you were the only one allowed to have sexual partners outside your relationship, would you take it?

  1. No, sounds like a horror scenario!

    (Unless you like jealous and bitter partners)

  2. ha ha, my husband and I say that all the time. We’d be into an open relationship, but only if the other partner wasn’t allowed to do it.

  3. Like with my credit card; I would “activate the rewards” but who knows if I’d actually use it.

  4. No; it would (IME) end in tears. There is one case where you had an asexual partner who really didn’t want to have sex, and they let you have it with others because they valued the emotional intimacy of the relationship, but also was aware of your sex drive. (But even in that case, I would suggest that the sexual partner would still allow the asexual one to have other relationships outside of that dyad, just for fairness & balance)

  5. Having multiple sex partners inevitably gets messy, I fantasize about other girls here and there but acting on it… Naw man, not worth it

  6. It all sounds fun and exciting, but it is a lot to juggle. You spend so much time and effort trying to get people to sleep with you that it’s just draining. It may be fun when you’re 22, but the older I get, the less time I want to spend finding sexual partners and more time I want to spend building an actual relationship.

    Open relationships are for some people, but not for me. I’m just happier having the one stable person in my life so I can focus on other things that I enjoy as well.

  7. That sounds a lot like what happens when every girl says she wants an open relationship but then if the guy sees someone else that’s not okay.

  8. No, even if there was a guarantee it wasn’t a setup or that she wasn’t going to be jealous, if I’m in a relationship it’s because I’m with the best person I know so there’s no reason to go outside of it

  9. It depends. If my wife/partner had something where they suddenly lost all sexual appetite, then i might discuss this, but in a healthy relationship no, things should be equal

  10. Sounds like a trap lol. I don’t really think getting some strange is worth risking what we have.

  11. We all have this option. It’s called cheating. The question should read, “If you could cheat and get away with it, would you?”

  12. No. Egalitarian is the only way in my mind. If the person happens to not have or want another partner, that’s different.

  13. I like to bow hunt, that is my vice. I don’t have time for 2 women, my wife is enough.

  14. I know a couple where this is true of the woman in the relationship. He’s fine with it as long as she stays married to him.

    For me, probably not. I think I value the fact that myself and my (non-existent) partner have something together that isn’t shared with others.

  15. No. This is stupid. If you need an open relationship, you are not husband /wife material.

  16. I have no interest in having more than my partner as a sexual partner, that being said, I’d take it and not use it

  17. That’s a pretty dumb question. That’s like asking if you would take a gift of one-million dollars tax free dropped in your bank account.

  18. I wouldn’t take anything about an open relationship. People on reddit talk about open relationships like they are great and goodway to go through life. Reality is 99 percent of the time they don’t work. Why would anyone advocate for something with such an abysmal success rate?

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