What is something you always wanted to do with your partner but was afraid to ask, how long before you finally asked and did it?

  1. Don’t be afraid to ask. Ask and see if they are ok with trying your idea. Never been turned down, and we’ve done some damn kinky stuff.

  2. Taking them to an orgy. Waited about 5 weeks. She came, didn’t like it, we left early together. Still together. No more orgies. Relationship all about communication & compromise

  3. To eat their ass. As a horn dog, I honestly didn’t care what state she was in, but she made me wait for her to take a shower.

    Looking back I appreciate her more now, as not every girl/person takes precautions when it comes to body hygiene.

  4. I do whatever I want to do to her. Sometimes she gets pissed about it but Idc. A man must do what he must do to his partner.

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