A little bit ago, I was casually talking to someone who I wouldn’t really consider a friend, but who I thought I could talk to openly. Out of nowhere he said “You’re so hard to talk to.” I asked him to elaborate on what he meant but he kind of just said some nonsense answer. I also asked if anyone else was hard to talk to like me, and he said no, that there was something about me specifically that I guess made him nervous. Does anyone know why this might be the case? I know I struggle to express some emotions and I could have come off as completely unexcited to speak to him, but really I don’t know what it is about me. Anyone else ever been told this/know how to become easier for people to talk to?

  1. Personally I think keep being yourself if this is the only person saying this to you. Remember we’re 7 billion in total and they’re an acquaintance, not like their opinion holds any value if you don’t have any sort of connection with them and they’re not trying to help you.

  2. If he’s willing to say something like that but not willing to even try to explain, his opinion doesn’t hold much weight. You can ask someone else (who you can trust not to give you a BS answer like “noo ofc not” when in reality there is actually something off about the way you present yourself), but I’d strongly suggest you don’t listen to him.

    And yes: but not to my face. I’ve had people tell my friends or family that I come across as “cold” or “stuck up”. But I know myself well enough to understand that this isn’t fair. I do my best to be pleasant and personable. And there are still people who act like they’re fucking terrified of me. Well, ok then. But just other day, I took up someone’s offer to go for a walk and she gave me such a big hug, and was so happy I came out that she was literally doing that happy dance thing with her arms for a second or two. And that was someone who once told my mother that I seem cold and withdrawn.

    Always work on yourself, and make sure you know exactly where your failings are at, and which things you don’t have control over and aren’t your fault. And never ever feel bad about the latter.

  3. Maybe you’re too smart for your own good, its hard for him to continue the talk when he didnt get what youre saying. Dumb it down. Lol

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