What is the silliest joke you secretly laugh at?

  1. Little Johnny is walking down the road when he suddenly spots this enormous sparrow in a tree. You know what the spartow says?

    …and then you tell in their ear: *TWEET!!!*

  2. The first joke my daughter ever told. She came home from kindergarten one day and told this joke that still gives me a chuckle thinking about her telling it and her little giggle.

    What time is it when the elephant sits on the fence?

    Time to get a new fence.

  3. It was some Reddit comment and I don’t even remotely remember the context but it said “group poop soup” and I die whenever I think about that. It’s so fucking stupid though. My wife judged me so fucking hard for laughing at that.

    I’m embarrassed typing that out lol

  4. Two guys are walking down the street; one walks into a bar, the other ducks.

  5. Not even a joke, just a couple phrases from old times. A very quiet small “zoom” and then the phrase “Hey, look what I can do! ZZZIIIP!”

  6. My friend walked past a chiropractor clinic which has a model of a spine and she thought they replace people’s entire spine.

  7. My kid recently asked me “why don’t kids in china celebrate Christmas?” .. I asked why?…. He said.. “ because all the toys r made in china“ 😂😂😂 I was giggling for a week.

  8. I heard it yesterday.

    Biden has Covid, right? What happens if he loses his sense of smell?!

  9. My niece asked me when Jesus returns will he ever be able to eat popcorn due to the holes in his hands.
    I’ve never been the same

  10. 2 sausages in a frying pan.

    One says to the other “Man, it’s getting hot in here.”

    The other goes “FUCK! A talking sausage!”

  11. Jokes with peoples names. I can never take those named people seriously again! 😆

    “Who let the dogs out?! Ruth, Ruth, Ruth” 😂

    And my favourite…

    “Gabby” 🤣🤣🤣

  12. 2 fish are in a tank

    One looks at the other and asks: “Do you know how to drive this fucking thing?”

  13. What did the snail say when it rode on the turtles back?


  14. Bill: Bob, did you get a haircut?
    Bob: Nope, I got them all cut.

    Stupid stupid joke. I laugh every time I tell it.

  15. *says quietly*

    I’m sorry I’m 32 at this point but the thought of the penis game still cracks me up

  16. A=almost boobs B=barely boobs C=can’t complain D=dang DD=double dang.
    Still laughing about it

  17. **What’s the difference between A duck and George Washington**

    One has a bill on his face, the other has his face on a bill.

  18. “Hey Bob how did you get that flat tire?”

    “I ran over a milk bottle.”

    “Didn’t your see it?”

    “Nah, the kid had it under his coat.”

  19. What did Adam say to Eve the first time he got an erection?

    “Better back up – I don’t know how long this thing gets…”

  20. So my wife everytime I say “wanna hear something funny” she responds immediately with “women’s rights”……..gets me every time cuz it’s my WIFE making the joke

  21. Boxers don’t have sex for 24 hours before games. You know why?

    They don’t fancy each other

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