Hi, I need to breakup with my girlfriend of 2,5 years next week. I don’t want to do it, it was never meant to be that way, but it is what it is. I want to do it in a manner which will hurt her the least, whatever it takes. I don’t care if this means me lying or orchestrating a week when my behaviour will make her feel out of love with me, I couldn’t stand her crying or hurting badly after this one. Please help me.

I have unfortunately fallen out of love with her some half a year ago, but I have forced myself to stay with her, lying to myself that it will be better, that I will love her once again. She never knew about any of this. This week I have met another girl in who i have immediately fallen in love with. That was the last straw that broke the camels back. Now I understand that I don’t love my girlfriend and am not happy in this relationship. I have thought beforehand that I need to force myself to stay in this relationship as she loves me very much and is quite happy about it. But now it will be impossible to maintain it in a way in which she will be happy, as I simply cannot stop thinking about the other girl.

How do I breakup with her in a the least painful for her way? What can I say? In what tone? In what form? It is my first breakup so I have no idea what to do.

1 comment
  1. You need to grow up put your big boy pants on and do it asap and fast. You should be honest but not too honest to the point you say you found someone else.

    Keep it simple. “I realized I’m not in love with you and haven’t been for a while. It’s not fair for either of us. I know it sucks but it’s for the best for both of us if we split.”.

    It doesn’t matter how many cherries on top you put it’s gonna suck.

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