What are some things you do for yourself to keep your sanity?

  1. I limit my news intake. I read the news for about an hour a day then I have to shut it down. Granted if there is breaking news I’ll still turn on the TV or fire up my laptop, otherwise I’ll catch up in the morning

  2. Macrame as a therapy. Being focus on doing the knots right helps me not to thing about shit

  3. Cognitive behavioural therapy, working out, going out for walks and fresh air, having a healthy diet (eating healthy food and making sure I eat enough even if I have no appetite due to depression/anxiety; even if it’s just some fruit or fruit smoothie) and meditating.

  4. I’ve a bunch of stuff I do to try to get myself out of a depressive slump:

    Micellar water and cotton pads to clean my face up a little bit

    Chug water

    Do a big ol clean

    And I try to get whatever pressing work I have done, self care for me is getting chores out of the way.

    If I can manage to work up to getting outside during an episode, going to the gym always drags me out of a bad mood. That or walking the dog

  5. Take a long bath with some bathing salts or stuff

    Do a hair mask and then play with my extremely shiny and soft hair all day – I always have extremely nice looking hair whenever a deadline is coming up or when I had an argument with someone close to me.

    Clean the oven – or something else really dirty so I get a sense of achievement and the scrubbing burns off energy

    Read some of my go-to comfort books with some tea

  6. Now that it’s nicer out I can work on my backyard, I’ll take a walk, listen to music, evening bonfires and in the summer I really enjoy stand up paddle boarding. I use Reddit and try stick to lighter topics to take my mind off things.

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