So,I’m going to a pretty good college for my ug in a week here in Mumbai,India. Now the problem is Mumbai is a pretty big place and i have always lived in a small town in central India. I’m scared of socializing.

I’m this short(169cm) and fat (230 pounds) male, with very low self confidence. I was 240 pounds then i lost fifteen and gained 5 again. I’m still on my weight loss journey,but i think my appearance would affect my social life. During my entire high school life,I’ve never even actually talked to a girl. Leave being in a relationship, never even made friends with them. I’m scared of the fact I’ll make no friends alone, because I’m going alone and no one i know got into my college.

I attended elementary school, middle school and highschool in the same place,and the friends i made in elementary and middle (when i was not fat) lasted till the end,but now we’re separating and no one really got into my college as the intake was only 400 people with a pretty difficult selection process. I’m honestly very much anxious.

I thought I’ll make some friends online of my College,but guess what no one on reddit replied, not even a single gc is made till now on social media, still on the hunt tho but no hope. Everything will happen after i enter.

I would also need like-minded roommates after 2-3 months as it’s very expensive living alone and obviously sad. It’s just that how can I do what I want to do?

I wanna socialize with new people and make good friends. I wanna make friends with a girl, get into a relationship hopefully, fix myself, I’ll join a gym as soon as I reach Mumbai. I wanna network with seniors and alumni who will help me get a job.
But I’m just anxious that my appearance will affect it,as it has often undermined my confidence in several social gatherings. I’m just not able to talk to anyone new until they come up to me and say, and trust me with my appearance A lot of people don’t come up to me .

I would just appreciate some tips and advice to fix this problem of mine, talk to the people i wanna talk and have a good college life, like a normal college life.

1 comment
  1. You’ll be able to do this plus so much more. It sounds like this college you’re into is really really top heavy so chances are there is people who are going throwing the same things as you are too, trust me you’re not the only one. Start working out, read self help books, step out your comfort zone, you’ll make mistakes along the way but you’ll grow stronger from them, you got this!

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