I need a support group! I’m really struggling…. With the lack of security… I know building a business takes time but this just doesn’t feel right.

I work hard everyday at a stressful job that I’m trying to get out of and deal with the house and kids primarily because my brain thinks about all the shit that needs to be done and quite frankly it’s just easier than constantly pointing out what needs to be done.

I’m tired 😪

Really would love a solid support group that can understand my situation or even tell me I’m doing too much.

  1. Oh my gosh, I hear you and I feel you.

    I was married to my ex for 25 years, and she could spend like there was no tomorrow, ALWAYS had some new gig she was doing (opening businesses, going back to school, etc.) so was always gone, left me to do everything with the house and kids and earning money, and basically contributed dimes to our household coffers during our entire marriage. Meanwhile, I worked a career I hated so we at least had one stable provider and never ever had a free moment to myself since I was doing everything for the kids and house.

    I don’t think there is a support group, but maybe you can start one? Create a sub and promote it wherein you meet via Zoom or something?

    On a side note, how much do you love your husband? Is it worth all this? Because there were (many) times I didn’t think it was worth it, but stayed for the kids, etc. In the end, it ruined my health and she left me. How much I wish I could go back in time and extract myself from supporting her all those years and found a spouse who was more stable. I have that now — a partner who is stable and present all the time, and it’s amazing and wonderful. So, if you truly truly love your husbAnd, and it’s worth all the hell you’re going through, then maybe consider marriage counseling in the hopes he will work with you to improve this. Otherwise, your life is passing you by, I can tell you it will be easier to do it alone rather than what you’re going through, and if things don’t work out you’re going to have to support him even more since our system punishes the responsible spouse over the earning one 🙂

    I wish you so much luck!

  2. While there are times an entrepreneur has to go above and beyond, part of being successful is to balance that with their personal life. And for a married entrepreneur, that means they have to discuss with their partner the amounts of time and family resources going into this business.

    If they are unwilling to agree on a time when the business work has to stop each day and they have to shift to household work, then it may be better to divest yourself of that anchor before it drags you both to the bottom of the river.

  3. In my opinion, someone who owns their own business works probably 60+hrs a week. If the man isnt putting in 40-60hrs a week, there is no excuse.

    Everyone is hiring right now. He could easily get s job making 40k a year. Wont be rich but ya know the bills would be paid.

  4. What’s his business? What field, or what org does he represent?

    Many people work a job on the side of their business, especially when they like fancy things like eating and having a wife with enough energy to “make the sex”.

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