I’m a male, he’s a male (idk if this matters). Essentially, I helped out with a student film as a PA a few days ago and I worked with the sound guy and we hit it off really well. Anyway, he gave me his number after ward and said we should meet up. I said cool. We texted a bit back and forth then he said we should go out for some coffee or a drink sometime soon. I said yeah cool. I also said this:

“Hey wanna go to the Diamond district? I know a good jeweler who said he could show me some of the Uncut Gems filming locations, etc. and meet the cast. You could probably come along too if you’re down.”

He never responded again and it’s been about two days. I figure we hit it off, he wants to be friends, and we’re both in film so…why not? Idk, I’m not really good at socializing. Did I say something weird? Should I reach out and ask?

  1. Nope, you played that perfectly. Ball is in his court so leave it now. If he is interested he will text you.

  2. Maybe wait a bit. For all you know he could be researching Diamond district and what you can do there. He could also be busy trying to finish something or something came up.

  3. Nope you are totally cool here, it’s weird he couldn’t at least respond but who knows, we’re all just a bunch of weirdies really lol don’t message him again though it’s totally on him for looking silly😁

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